This is Why Your Business Can Never Get Ahead

After successfully coaching small business owners just like you for the past 21 years I have learned that there are common denominators across the board. The majority of business owners feel that they need more new business, their expenses are too high; and, they pay too much in taxes. If this sounds like you then read on. If it does not sound like you then give yourself a high five because you are at the top of your game.

Most experts would agree that the following outlines the stages of business cycle, and I don’t disagree.

Stages of the Business Cycle 

  1. Expansion

The first stage in the business cycle is expansion. In this stage, there is an increase in positive economic indicators such as employment, income, output, wages, profits, demand, and supply of goods and services. Debtors are generally paying their debts on time, the velocity of the money supply is high, and investment is high. This process continues as long as economic conditions are favorable for expansion.

  1. Peak

The economy then reaches a saturation point, or peak, which is the second stage of the business cycle. The maximum limit of growth is attained. The economic indicators do not grow further and are at their highest. Prices are at their peak. This stage marks the reversal point in the trend of economic growth. Consumers tend to restructure their budgets at this point.

  1. Recession

The recession is the stage that follows the peak phase. The demand for goods and services starts declining rapidly and steadily in this phase. Producers do not notice the decrease in demand instantly and go on producing, which creates a situation of excess supply in the market. Prices tend to fall. All positive economic indicators such as income, output, wages, etc., consequently start to fall.

  1. Depression

There is a commensurate rise in unemployment. The growth in the economy continues to decline, and as these fall below the steady growth line, the stage is called a depression.

  1. Trough

In the depression stage, the economy’s growth rate becomes negative. There is further decline until the prices of factors, as well as the demand and supply of goods and services, contract to reach their lowest point. The economy eventually reaches the trough. It is the negative saturation point for an economy. There is extensive depletion of national income and expenditure.

  1. Recovery

After the trough, the economy moves to the stage of recovery. In this phase, there is a turnaround in the economy, and it begins to recover from the negative growth rate. Demand starts to pick up due to low prices and, consequently, supply begins to increase. The population develops a positive attitude towards investment and employment and production starts increasing.

Employment begins to rise and, due to accumulated cash balances with the bankers, lending also shows positive signals. In this phase, depreciated capital is replaced, leading to new investments in the production process. Recovery continues until the economy returns to steady growth levels.

This completes one full business cycle of boom and contraction. The extreme points are the peak and the trough.


My analysis is in agreement with the above list with a few differences. As you will see in a moment those differences will be the difference with a business that is always struggling or one that runs with effortless ease.


Stages of the Business Cycle from this Author’s Perspective


Napoleon Hill really stated it best. Life is about navigating problems, nothing more and nothing less. That can be extrapolated to YOUR business too.

Now I am asked all of the time, “how do I fix this?” The answer is several-fold:

1.     You will never eradicate problems

2.     Creating systems will allow you to handle any and all problems faster, easier and cheaper

3.     Developing better organization and time management will help you to avoid problems

4.     Better communication with staff, clients/patients/customers will help you avoid many problems

5.     Learning about cash flow and proper money skills will help you avoid MANY problems

6.     Working on your headspace daily will give you a leg up on your competition.

So let me make this really easy for you. As a business owner you will be faced with problem>problem>Problem>Crisis>Problem>Crisis for your entire career. The antidote to that algorithm is SYSTEMS>SYSTEMS>SYSTEMS

If you are tired of the roller coaster, we should have a chat. Click here to set up a free and no-obligation consultation.

Strategy Pyramid

Marketing Tactics Small Business Owners Can Use Today


Without strong marketing for your small business, it’s almost impossible for it to grow and thrive. It is the cornerstone of a successful company, and great marketing can:

  • attract new customers
  • build better brand awareness
  • boost revenue
  • improve what you offer


Despite the power and importance of effective marketing, many small business owners struggle with it. Maybe they have a hard time because they don’t know where to start. Or maybe they feel like they don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to it.


In this article, we will explore small business marketing tips you can start using today. That last bit is important. These are simple ideas that you can begin to implement right now.


Once you get the ball rolling, it’s much easier to keep building on that momentum.

1. Define your target audience

One of the most important things you can do to improve your marketing is to define your target audience. Knowing exactly who your ideal customer is will allow you to build marketing around what really resonates with them.

How to define your target audience for small businesses?

You can start by creating buyer personas — fictional representations of your ideal customers that illustrate their desires and struggles. Think about their demographics, such as age, gender, income, and location, as well as their interests and pain points. You can use this information to create targeted marketing messages that speak directly to your ideal customer.


Buyer personas not only help you figure out the best way to talk to potential customers. These also help you structure how your business works. The kinds of offers you make to customers and the way they experience your company should be shaped around who your ideal customer is and what they want.

2. Develop a strong brand identity

Your brand identity is what sets you apart from your competitors. It encompasses your company’s name, logo, colors, fonts, and overall visual style. Developing a strong brand identity for small businesses is critical because it helps build trust with potential customers.


Don’t think this is something only major corporations need to worry about. A great brand helps businesses at all levels.


Strong branding makes it easier for people to remember your business and differentiate it from others in your industry. If you don’t already have a brand identity, consider hiring a professional designer to help you create one.


But if you want to get started today, consider the three main values you want associated with your business. That can serve as the basis of your brand.

3. Create valuable content

Creating valuable content is a great way to attract new customers and build trust with existing ones. Valuable content can include:

  • blog posts
  • videos
  • infographics
  • social media posts


The key is to provide content that is informative, educational, or entertaining. For example, if you run a plumbing business, you could create a blog post about how to unclog a drain or a video about how to replace a faucet. By providing value to your customers, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry.


Wondering how you can do that today? Your business probably has some social media profile. Why not post a few helpful tips related to your industry, something that could help your potential customers?

4. Optimize your website

Whether you are a local business or an enterprise corporation, your website is often the first impression many people will have of your business. It’s essential to make sure it’s easy to navigate, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines.


This means using keywords throughout your site, including in your page titles, headers, and meta descriptions. You should also make sure your site is mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their smartphones to search for businesses online.

How to Improve SEO Today

While you can pay people lots of money to do this for you, many of the basics are easy to implement today.


Looking for website optimization tips for small businesses? Here are some fast and effective things to do right now:


  1. Optimize your titles and meta descriptions with relevant keywords
  2. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content and make it easier to read
  3. Use alt tags for images to help search engines understand what they are about
  4. Improve website speed by optimizing images, using a caching plugin, and minimizing code
  5. Build internal links between pages on your website to improve navigation and make it easier for search engines to crawl your site.

5. Leverage social media

Social media can be a powerful tool for small businesses, allowing you to reach a large audience quickly and inexpensively. However, it’s essential to use social media strategically. You don’t need to be on every platform, but you should choose the ones that are most relevant to your business and your target audience.


For example, if you run a B2B business, LinkedIn may be a better platform for you than Instagram. Make sure to post consistently and engage with your followers to build relationships.


Also, as we mentioned above, almost every business has some social media presence already. The question is: are you making the most of it?

Get Started Leveraging Social Media for Small Businesses

It’s a powerful technology for connecting to potential customers. To see the effectiveness of your social media outreach, try running a discount for people who come in with a codeword that you post on your account. That’s a fast way to see how well you are currently engaging with your customers on social media.

6. Use email marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to stay in touch with your customers and drive sales. You can use email to promote your products or services, offer discounts or promotions, and share valuable content. Make sure to segment your email list based on your customers’ interests and behavior, so you can send targeted messages that are more likely to convert.

Fast Track to Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Now, marketing this way can be extremely lucrative, but it also takes time to develop a connection. Still, there is a way to start doing this today. Begin by choosing a good email newsletter platform. There are many alternatives, including:


  • MailChimp
  • AWeber
  • Constant Contact


Once you have that figured out, add a sign-up form on your website. You are on your way to email marketing!

7. Use customer testimonials and reviews

Customer testimonials and reviews are one of the best ways to build trust and credibility with your audience. We all know we can trust other customers more than we can ever trust a paid advertisement.


Ready to experience their power right now? Consider adding testimonials to your website, including them in your marketing materials, and encouraging satisfied customers to leave reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, or Facebook.

8. Get involved in your community

Getting involved in your community is not only a great way to give back, but it can also help raise awareness of your business. You can sponsor local events, participate in charity drives, or offer to speak at local schools or business groups.


By being active in your community, you can build relationships with potential customers and establish yourself as a trusted member of your community.

9. Monitor and analyze your results

Last but certainly not least, it’s essential to monitor and analyze your marketing results regularly.


This means tracking a whole slew of different metrics, including:

  • website analytics to see how people are finding and using your site
  • social media engagement
  • email open rates
  • click-through rates


If you stay on top of analyzing this data, you can identify what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.


Want to jump start this process today? Spend 30 minutes figuring out the analytic tools on your website hosting platform and social media account. Any questions? YouTube and Google are great resources to get step-by-step guides. Not sure what something means? Make sure to search for the answer.


Trust me, once you can start confidently reading your analytics, you can start marketing like a boss.

Final Thoughts

Improving your marketing as a small business owner doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. And most importantly, you can start improving your marketing today.


That’s vital, because you need to get started somewhere. The small business marketing tips above are a great way to begin!


If you are interested in becoming a highly effective marketer, enroll now in my Academy of Creative Marketing. Thousands of small business owners like you are boosting their sales and growing their business with our proven marketing strategies.


Want to start your journey today? That’s why I made this free guided tour that gives you an enormous amount of information to get started.


20 Proven Ways to Generate More Leads

Quick Summary: If you are looking to get more leads, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. You just need to commit to a handful of proven strategies that actually work. By understanding the definition of a sales lead, the importance of lead generation for your business, and how to get more leads for free, you’ll be on your way to larger profits and less stress.

What is a sales lead?

A sales lead is any potential client who you can directly contact. They might be a former customer or someone looking for the products and services you provide who is in contact with you.


You probably have more sales leads than you’d think. If you have a loyalty program, those members who have given you contact information are all sales leads. That’s because you can reach out to them and make offers that could lead to a sale.


Sales leads aren’t just individuals. They can also be businesses.


It’s important to remember that sales leads are more than potential customers who know about your business. A sales lead is far more powerful. They have given you contact information, and so you can actually communicate with them directly.


This is why sales leads are a critical part of direct marketing — where a promotional message is given directly to someone, often with some level of customization involved.

What is an example of a sales lead?

Let’s say you have an email newsletter that people can sign up for on your website. Anytime someone signs up for that newsletter, they become a sales lead.


On the other hand, say you work primarily B2B. Let’s say you attend a convention and meet a potential client. If they give you their card — that’s a sales lead.

What does lead generation mean?

Lead generation refers to anything you do that gets potential customers engaged with your business. Once they start interacting with you, they easily convert into sales leads.


Keep reading to learn 20 powerful ideas for lead generation.



Can you get more leads for free?

There are many ways to generate leads — some cost money while others are completely free. With lead generation, spending more money doesn’t always mean better results. Often, attracting potential customers with high quality content is one of the best ways to catch their attention.


That being said, paying money for the right marketing services or for the right information can be well worth the investment.

How to Generate More Leads

Below are 20 great ideas to start generating leads. You’ll notice that not every idea will work for every business. And of course, no business should try 20 new sales lead ideas at once! But there are enough to give you at least two or three places to start.

Generate Leads With Social Media

1. Social Media Ads

Social media platforms make it easy and relatively inexpensive to advertise your products and services.


Many small business owners like social media ads because of how much control these platforms give you. For instance, if you only serve your local area, you can be extremely targeted to your geographic area.

2. Influencer Marketing

Influencers can be a great way to generate leads with social media. That’s because the people who follow influencers are generally interested in the topics that those content creators are known for. If your business aligns with those topics, it can be a beautiful relationship.


The one caveat here is that in the world of social media influencers, you will usually have to pay to get good coverage.

3. LinkedIn Lead Generation

Believe it or not, LinkedIn is a great place to generate leads. You market yourself directly to professionals, and you can pinpoint your audience with a high degree of accuracy (using factors like location and industry).


When you generate leads with LinkedIn, you leverage the specific user base they have as well as their wealth of information.

4. Use User-Generated Content (UGC)

While many of these strategies have you creating things for customers, you can also make use of content your customers create. For instance, online reviews are free ways to promote your business.


Some brands do a great job engaging their fans this way, especially on social media platforms. And this is a goldmine for them, as UGC marketing is very trustworthy.

Generate Leads With Search Engines

5. Use Search Engine Optimization on Your Website (SEO)

SEO is a set of tools that make search engines like Google and Bing place your website high on relevant search results. This gets you organic traffic — visitors who come to your website without you having to spend any money.


SEO best practices include:

  • fast-loading pages
  • interesting content
  • multimedia (images and video)
  • meaningful use of keywords (the phrases people use to search)
  • well-structured pages
  • content that others sites link to (called backlinks)


You can spend a small fortune to have experts get your website’s SEO in top shape, but many of the most effective techniques can be done in an afternoon by yourself. And this is a field where the old phrase “buyer beware” is king. Companies like Google do not publish details on just exactly how their search engine works, and many people claiming to know everything about it are selling snake oil.


That being said, this is still an important part of any company’s online presence. SEO lead generation works because people searching for the products and services you provide will easily find your link and click on it.

6. Pay-Per-Click Advertising on Search Engines

Advertising on Google and Bing is one way to generate more traffic to your website. And if your website can convert visitors into sales leads, this can be quite effective. Think of it like paying for great SEO, because these engines will place you at the top of the list (along with a tag telling users that the listing is a paid ad).


One issue is that you have to pay every time someone clicks on your link — so you better be sure your website can turn enough of these clicks into clients to make it all worth it. Plus, people might not click your link because they see it is paid for. So while it can reliably drive traffic, you should probably try implementing SEO techniques first to get free clicks.

Generate Leads With Ads and Offers

7. A/B Test CTAs in Your Promotional Material

A call to action (CTA) is any design element that gets people to do something right away — like click a link or buy something.


A/B testing means giving half of your audience one version (Version A) and the other half a different version (Version B). If you track which customers saw what version, you can quickly see what marketing is more effective for you.


So you can rapidly improve any promotional material you have by A/B testing it. This helps you land on your best approach to gaining leads fast, and because you’ll have hard numbers backing it, you’ll be able to confidently invest in promotional material at larger scales — supercharging its effectiveness.

8. Discounts and Coupons

This is a tried-and-true way to create interest in potential customers while also attracting back former customers. But it’s important that you don’t simply give out discounts with no strategy. To really generate long-term leads, consider giving discounts if people join your email list or customer appreciation program.

9. Send Offers Through Your Email List

Creating an email list is a great way to continuously provide new offers to those who are interested in your company and what it does.


It not only leverages these leads, it also continually gives people value for engaging with your brand.

10. Personalized Email Marketing

Personalized email marketing means creating emails specifically for an individual or a subset of your customers. Rather than blasting all of your email list with the same material, email marketing platforms allow you to use a much more customized approach.

Generate Leads With Content Marketing

11. High-Value Content

Providing high-value content for free is a great way to earn people’s trust and bolster your brand recognition.


Content could include:

  • helpful blog posts
  • YouTube tutorial videos
  • infographics on social media


By being informative and entertaining, people will want to stay engaged with your brand. They’ll also share your content, essentially marketing your company for you.

12. Offer Free Tools and Free Trials (Freemium Model)

The freemium model gives potential customers limited parts of their product for free. Then, some portion of people who get the free version will choose to upgrade, creating a pipeline for sales.


As you’ll notice, this only works for some products and services. Many software and SaaS companies offer a limited version of their program or a trial version so people get a no-risk look at what they’d be buying. Similarly, many content creators will offer free content while also keeping their best stuff behind a paywall.

13. Start a Podcast / Go on Podcasts

Podcasts are big — about 100 million people are expected to listen to podcasts over the next year. That’s a lot of potential customers. If you start a successful podcast in your field, you’ll generate a built-in audience that you can market to directly.


But let’s be realistic. Not everyone has the energy, time, or interest to start a podcast and do what it takes to make it successful. That’s okay! You can still benefit from their popularity. It starts with finding podcasts that cover topics in your field. Reach out to the creators and request an interview. If they interview you, you’ll be able to promote your company to a whole new audience.

14. Write Guest Blogs

Guest blogging means you contribute to another website. In turn, that website’s audience gets a chance to see what you are all about and maybe click over to your business website.


This is especially useful if your personal expertise is a major part of your company’s appeal.

15. Answer Questions on Sites Like Reddit and Quora

If you run a business, chances are you have expertise in something. You can use that to generate leads by answering questions people have on forums like Reddit and Quora.


Just make sure your answer is genuinely helpful. Then if you link to your business, it comes off as more genuine.


Other people searching Google for similar questions will often wind up on those same Reddit and Quora pages — and you’ll be positioned as the expert.

Generate Leads With Connections

16. Start Referral Partnerships

Referral partnerships are agreements between businesses to refer customers to each other, and they are true win-win scenarios.


If your customer pool overlaps but you don’t directly compete, it can instantly drive up sales for both businesses.

17. Get Referrals From Current Customers

Referral rewards are a way to incentivize your current customers to tell people they know about your business. This can be really effective when you consider how much more importance people place on word of mouth over simple advertising.

18. Direct Engagement With Potential Customers

Direct engagement means reaching out and talking to potential customers. It isn’t quite cold calling, because you’ll have some idea they might be in the market.


This works great if your business runs on high-value sales, and it works even better if you predominately work in B2B, as you can find business email addresses and phone numbers to contact them.

19. Host a Training Event or Webinar

This is another way to use your expertise for good. Sharing what you know in a public event draws people interested in your products and services. You create a positive connection to your brand while also engaging a wide range of potential customers who have the chance to become real sales leads.

20. Networking Events

Networking events is a powerful way to generate leads — especially for B2B clients. If your business serves as a vendor for other companies, networking can be a great way to make sales leads.


Face-to-face, personal connections are the highest quality sales lead imaginable.

Final Thoughts

These 20 ways to get sales leads should put you in the right direction.


Still not sure how to generate more leads, or want even more free advice? Consider reaching out today for free business advice. I can help you tailor the above strategies and more to your specific business.


In the last article we discussed that the creation of a compelling offer will increase your conversions effortlessly and put a lot more money into your business. This article will discuss how to create a referral machine. Click here to see the archived newsletters.

Referrals are the best way to generate new business. A referral means that a client/customer/patient loved your product or service enough to recommend you. Referrals make the best client/customer of patient because there is already a trust that is built into the relationship.

After nineteen years of coaching small business owners just like you, the biggest challenge that I see is that most small business owners do not have a referral system. When your business is run on systems, you will find that your stress goes down and your profits go up.

THE FIRST IS CALLED A “STATIC” REFERRAL SYSTEM This is the system most businesses currently have in place. In this system, your customers are familiar with your referral program and understand the “perks” they will receive from sharing information about your business with family, friends, associates and anyone they meet who shows an interest in what you do. This system involves a concerted effort and approach in which you ask your happy clients or customers for referrals and gladly reward them for their efforts, yet you don’t directly move the process forward. The second system is the best.

THE SECOND IS CALLED A “PROACTIVE” REFERRAL SYSTEM In this system, you direct the entire process and have the power to reach potential customers who have been influenced by their friends or associates. These are prospects who, under normal circumstances would never have heard of you or your business. In the proactive system, you motivate your customers to become “promoters” of your business by enticing them to share information about what you do with anyone and everyone they know.

So how do you take a static referral program and turn it into a super-charged, systematic and much more powerful “Proactive” Referral System? Let me highlight several of my own experiences to illustrate both techniques. I recently became aggravated by my landscaper due to his lack of passion for his work. I decided it was time to find a new one for myself and a few of my neighbors that were also unhappy. One morning I was outside walking my dog in a neighboring community and one of the guys that I play tennis with was walking his dog too. He asked me how I was doing so I shared with him my irritation with my current landscaper. The words were no more out of my mouth when he began praising his landscaper and explaining to me how caring and professional, he was.

People LOVE to give referrals when they know the product or service, they’re recommending is excellent. His recommendation was so strong that he instantly convinced me to give his guy a try. He also told me that at least four of his neighbors were using this landscaper as well. Needless to say, my neighbors and I began using him and we’ve spent thousands of dollars with him already.

Now consider this. Did this landscaper have a referral system set up for his business? Not at all. I later discovered he had no referral program in place whatsoever, just a local print ad and some local radio spots that were costing him huge amounts of money.

If he were to do a quick customer survey, I’m sure he would discover that many of his new clients are referrals coming in from his current client base. My new landscapers saving grace is his personality and expertise. His staff is professional, considerate, concerned and treats each client with kindness.

You almost feel as if you’re part of their family when they come to your home. Basically, the landscaper gets referrals from this “static” method due to his superior service and his ability to build relationships with his clients.  Unfortunately, he lacks a true “static” referral system since his clients are NOT directly asked or actively providing referrals.

In many cases, they may not be referring him due to the fact they aren’t aware of the scope of his work and services that he offers nor are they offered benefits or perks for referring him to their circle of influence. If he created a formal system that rewarded referrals, he could grow his client base enormously with no out of pocket expense, and see his business grow much more rapidly.

When you implement the above strategies, what will it add to your bottom line?

The Academy of Creative Marketing was created for small business owners who do not have the time and who want effective marketing strategies done for them without spending huge sums of money.

If you are a business owner who wants to build a referral machine without spending an arm and a leg check out The Academy of Creative Marketing

Here is what you’ll get!

✅ Videos and workbooks that will put your marketing efforts on steroids by giving you a step-by-step process

✅A complete library of “done for you” marketing campaigns that work, for every profession and occupation including cattle ranchers!

✅A complete library of catch phrases, and elevator pitches and how to implement them effectively

✅A virtual MBA that will make you money consistently, instead of just adding expensive non-money-making letters after your name

✅You will learn the hidden secrets of social media that will make you a social media guru that gets tremendous results

✅ No Contracts! Month to Month stop and start at any time

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 to take a free test-drive for a month. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Marketing Strategy

Three Methods to Identify and Create Compelling Offers

In the last article we discussed that the creation of a compelling offer will increase your conversions effortlessly and put a lot more money into your business. We also discussed that this article would discuss the top three methods and how to implement them. Click here to see the archived newsletters.


THE FIRST ARE WHAT WE CALL INTERNAL COMPELLING INCENTIVES. These are incentives based on something you provide. If your marginal profit on the bonus item you offer is 50%, then the perceived value of that offer is double your actual cost. THERE ARE FIVE WAYS YOU CAN OFFER INTERNAL COMPELLING INCENTIVES. The first involves additional services. This is an incentive based on an extra service that the customer would normally expect to pay for but which you offer to provide for free. This incentive is especially effective if you or your staff has available time. This actually makes this incentive cost free to you. For example, a consultant could offer a complimentary two-hour business makeover.


A dry cleaner could offer free pickup and delivery. A dentist might offer free teeth whitening with a checkup. A contractor could offer an additional 2 hours of handyman labor for every paid project. A bike shop could offer free assembly during slow hours.


Obviously, it depends on the type of business you have that will determine which of these internal compelling incentives will be best for you. You may need to limit the days the offer applies to, limit the number of recipients that can receive the incentive, place a maximum cap on the number of hours per month that are available and so on.


The second way you can offer internal compelling incentives is an offer for free or discounted products. If you have high margin items that complement the prospects purchase, then you can offer these for free or at your cost as a huge enticement when buying the primary product or service. For example, free batteries with the purchase of a child’s toy. Free lawn aeration with every landscape maintenance agreement. A free flu shot with your office visit to your doctor. A free oil change with every tune up or five years of free maintenance with the purchase of a new car.


The third way you can offer internal compelling incentives is a free trial of a complimentary product or service. If you have a business in which you can entice your customers to purchase additional items or services from you, then providing a bonus or gift such as a free trial or sample is a powerful way to expand their purchase pattern. This works exceptionally well when the lifetime value of that customer is great.


When you implement the above strategies, what will it add to your bottom line?




The Academy of Creative Marketing was created for small business owners who do not have the time and who want effective marketing strategies done for them without spending huge sums of money.



If you are a business owner who wants to build a seven-figure business without spending an arm and a leg check out The Academy of Creative Marketing



Here is what you’ll get!

✅ Videos and workbooks that will put your marketing efforts on steroids by giving you a step-by-step process

✅A complete library of “done for you” marketing campaigns that work, for every profession and occupation including cattle ranchers!

✅A complete library of catch phrases, and elevator pitches and how to implement them effectively

✅A virtual MBA that will make you money consistently, instead of just adding expensive non-money-making letters after your name

✅You will learn the hidden secrets of social media that will make you a social media guru that gets tremendous results


✅ No Contracts! Month to Month stop and start at any time






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to take a free test-drive for a month. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!






This article will help you to build out the tactical approach required to successfully implement a “networking” strategy. Networking is a terrific way to generate immediate interest in what you do, and for the most part, it’s 100% free.

It helps increase your visibility and credibility and can generate a significant number of leads in just minutes. Most business owners attend networking events without properly preparing a strategic plan of action. A strategic action plan is a collection of tactics that are implemented in a predetermined sequence in order to produce a specific outcome.

You MUST create your sales process around the right strategy that will produce the appropriate end result for your business. The process we’re teaching you here will enable you to do this. So, let’s review where you should be right now.

You should have developed developed a compelling elevator pitch that you can use at every networking event that you attend that laser-targets your ideal client/patient/ customer and prequalifies the ones that are truly interested in buying what you sell.

For those that are interested, we hand them our business card with a compelling offer on the back of the card that sends them to our online landing page. When they arrive at that URL, they find themselves on a landing page that captures their attention and compels them to request your free offer. It also allows you to capture their contact information in the process.

A compelling offer will put any event that you do on steroids. Over the next week I will outline for you exactly how to create compelling offers that work.

The Academy of Creative Marketing was created for small business owners who do not have the time and who want effective marketing strategies done for them without spending huge sums of money

If you are a business owner who wants to build a seven-figure business without spending an arm and a leg check out The Academy of Creative Marketing

Here is what you’ll get!

Videos and workbooks that will put your marketing efforts on steroids by giving you a step-by-step process

A complete library of “done for you” marketing campaigns that work, for every profession and occupation including cattle ranchers!

A complete library of catch phrases, and elevator pitches and how to implement them effectively

A virtual MBA that will make you money consistently, instead of just adding expensive non-money-making letters after your name

You will learn the hidden secrets of social media that will make you a social media guru that gets tremendous results

No Contracts! Month to Month stop and start at any time

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Marketing for Business Owners Who do Not Want to Spend an Arm and a Leg

I am in absolute shock! I began working with a new client last Friday. We went through her expenses. She was paying a social media expert $1500.00 per month. In addition, she was spending $500.00 per month on Facebook and Instagram ad spends (split evenly); and she was spending $800 per month on an AdWords campaign PPC. For a total monthly expenditure of $2800.00 per month.


I asked her to show me her stats to calculate her return on investment and to determine how many new clients she received. To my shock, dismay, horror and disgust, in eight months-time she spent $22,400.00 with nothing absolutely nothing to show for it!


I suggested she call her Guru and ask some questions…like Why am I not getting a return on investment?


We met today to review the “Guru’s” answers and to create a better plan of attack. The Guru said, “it takes time to build a following and it takes time to learn the Google Algorithms”. “My client asked, how much time?” The Guru responded, “about a year.”


At this point I pretty much threw up in my mouth. You have got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Look folks, the key to growing any business is effective marketing. It really is not tough. Know your target market. Know the specific problem that your target market has. Show your target market via the proper media how you can solve that problem and you will have more business that you can handle.


I do not want this to sound like a slam against marketing gurus. It is not. There are many, many, many excellent marketing gurus out there. I think we can all agree the one she picked was not one of them.


Marketing does not have to be EXPENSIVE to be effective.


If you are a business owner who wants to build a seven-figure business without spending an arm and a leg check out The Academy of Creative Marketing


Here is what you’ll get!

✅ Videos and workbooks that will put your marketing efforts on steroids by giving you a step-by-step process

✅A complete library of “done for you” marketing campaigns that work, for every profession and occupation including cattle ranchers!

✅A complete library of catch phrases, and elevator pitches and how to implement them effectively

✅A virtual MBA that will make you money consistently, instead of just adding expensive non-money-making letters after your name

✅You will learn the hidden secrets of social media that will make you a social media guru that gets tremendous results


✅ No Contracts! Month to Month stop and start at any time




Click here to take a test-drive, you will be very happy that you did.




You heard it here first.



CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and we will create a plan to execute. Let’s finish the year strong!



Need everything done for you marketing?  Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy. Everything and anything that you need for marketing is here in this neat little academy for a fraction of the cost of what you are paying for marketing services right now.



In Gratitude,




PS: A friend or colleague may benefit from what you just read. Please share it with them.


Want to explore how I can specifically help you finish the year up strong? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!


Life is too short not to have a dream job or business. If you want a new career where you can work from home, earn $250,000+ per year and really make a difference in other people’s lives, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. about joining our team. You will be blown away when you watch the video!



We have now surpassed 30,000 subscribers and I thank you for your support. After nineteen-years of doing business growth and development it warms my heart to know the positive impact that we have had on so many lives!


Thank you for allowing me to help you!


This was an email that I received last week and my answer.


Dr. Inselman. I have been reading your newsletters for about a year now. They are always filled with really good nuts and bolts suggestions as well as your very positive look on just about everything. Congrats on the birth of your grandson. That must be very special. I have some years to go before I get there as my kids are only 11 and 15.


Here is my question. I have used many, many practice management companies and business coaches in the past. Some were good but most just took my money without helping me at all.  How are you different and what will you specifically do to help me?


Thank, you




Dear Bill:


Thank you for being a long-term reader and supporter of this newsletter. My sole intention is to educate, educate and educate. It is tough out there. Covid, economy and the world uncertainty make it tough for everyone.


Thank you for the well wishes on the birth of my grandson. Bill, while your kids are only 11 and 15 let me tell you IT GOES FAST! It seems like yesterday that my kids were that age and…blink…and I am a grandfather. My point, make every minute count, it goes by way too fast!


To answer the question how I am different and what do I do. Let me say this and let me be as diplomatic as possible. Ever since the pandemic, everyone and their brother has become a coach or consultant. When choosing a coach, you have to pick the right one. This email will not allow me to list how to pick the right one but if you would like to hop on a call, I would be happy to educate you. To make it real short and sweet, you need to resonate with that coach, and you need to have them prove to you that they have done what you want to do. Eg. Would you want to go to a marriage counselor who was divorced twelve times? Lol.


I can only tell you what I do. You will have to determine if it is different from others because candidly, and respectfully I don’t check what others do and I really don’t care. Since I can only control what I do that is what I focus on. Does that make sense?


The first thing that I do is I offer a free business analysis session. When that appointment is made, I send the person a business profile to fill out online which is diagnostic for me and quite introspective for the party receiving it. This document alone will tell the prospect a lot about where their weaker areas are. Some people literally get nauseas when they fill it out because facing reality is sometimes uncomfortable. That is the first step to conquering what is holding you back. Don’t let nausea preclude you. LOL!


When we get on the phone I listen intently. I am interested in YOUR GOALS. I am interested in YOUR AGENDA. I think that is a big difference between myself and others. My agenda is your agenda. Many coaches try and clone you to their model or their way of thinking. That in my opinion is a recipe for disaster.


Next, we determine together where the weaker areas are; what the priorities are; and we create an action plan together to take your business and life to the next level and beyond. This is a very important point. No two of my clients are coached the same. Everyone gets a custom-created program which is why, in my opinion, our results have been so spectacular over the past nineteen years.


Bill, Accountability, is key. I am big on holding my clients accountable, so they execute the plan we create. If you are not going to execute the plan, then nothing will happen. That is not acceptable to me and should not be acceptable to the client.


Next point which is really important is this…I don’t work on a time value. I work on a results value. What that means is you may need to speak to me multiple times in a day or a week; and if you do, you are not charged extra for those calls.


Skillsets are very important when finding the right coach. I have thirty-eight years of business experience and nineteen years of coaching experience. I have seventy-five coaches that work on my team. That puts me the position to have a pretty hefty think tank and tons of experience and skillsets at my beckon call.


In 2021 I saved fifty-four businesses from going bankrupt, 23 people became millionaires and I had one suicide save; coupled with doing over $250,000 in pro-bono work. Stats, that I am quite proud of and will be looking to exceed each and every year.


I hope that answers your questions, Bill. The bottom line is choosing a coach, like a doctor or any other professional is a very personal decision. The important thing is to listen to your gut and make sure you resonate. Then, follow the recommendations and your life and business should take a huge turn for the better. Thanks for your questions.




Let me distill this newsletter down to one paragraph…


The key to your success is creating a proper plan and holding yourself accountable to executing the plan. Having a neutral third party to help and guide you makes the journey infinitely easier. Why? It is tough to hold yourself accountable and you can’t see your blind spots.


 Be like Nike and Just Do it!




You heard it here first.



What clues did you get? Are you ready to take your business and life to the next level; and achieve real economic wealth, freedom and balance? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!



Need everything done for you marketing?  Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy. Everything and anything that you need for marketing is here in this neat little academy for a fraction of the cost of what you are paying for marketing services right now.



In Gratitude,




PS: A friend or colleague may benefit from what you just read. Please share it with them.


Want to explore how I can specifically help you finish the year up strong? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!


Life is too short not to have a dream job or business. If you want a new career where you can work from home, earn $250,000+ per year and really make a difference in other people’s lives, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. about joining our team. You will be blown away when you watch the video!


Do you want to be comfortable, or do you want to be rich? Do you want to be a slave to your business, or do you want your business to serve you? Do you want your business to be ROCKING, or just so, so?


How many new patient/client/customer interactions did you have last week?


How many newsletters, blogs, videos, telephone outreach, follow ups etc. did you make last week?


What extra value did you give to your patients/clients/customers last week?


How much money did you put away for retirement last week?


How many times did you look at your stats last week?


Who is holding you accountable?


What marketing did you do last week?


What books did you read last week?


How much did you exercise last week?


Did you have meaningful interactions with your wife, husband, kids, parents?


Are you stressed?


Are you happy?


My loyal readers, success leaves clues. Your answers to the questions above are the biggest and greatest clues that you need.


You heard it here first.



What clues did you get? Are you ready to take your business and life to the next level; and achieve real economic wealth, freedom and balance? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!


Need everything done for you marketing? Check this out and subscribe before the fee increase.  Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy. Everything and anything that you need for marketing is here in this neat little academy for a fraction of the cost of what you are paying for marketing services right now.

In Gratitude,




PS: A friend or colleague may benefit from what you just read. Please share it with them.


Want to finish the year up strong? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!


Life is too short not to have a dream job or business. If you want a new career where you can work from home, earn $250,000+ per year and really make a difference in other people’s lives, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. about joining our team. You will be blown away when you watch the video!

What Chiropractors Need to do Right Now to Grow Their Practice-Part 2

As we discussed yesterday, growing a Chiropractic practice takes time and effort. You may click here to read yesterday’s newsletter if you missed it.

This is the last newsletter on this topic. After practicing for thirty-six years and coaching Chiropractors just like you for the last nineteen years, I can tell you with one-hundred percent certainty that I know more than a thing or two about growing a great practice. I have helped many practitioners prevent bankruptcy, design the practice that THEY love, and I have helped many practitioners become millionaires. You can be helped too.


This newsletter will give you the truth and the facts as to why your practice is growing or shrinking. What you do with the information is entirely up to you.


Here are the major problems in Chiropractic today-Part 2:


  • Many chiropractors discount their fees. Every time you discount your fee, you are stealing from your retirement, or any other long-term monetary goal. If you are discounting your fee STOP! PLEASE STOP!


Instead of discounting your fee, learn how to upsell and down sell your patients. When you deploy these strategies, you will never discount your fee and steal from you and your family again.


  •  Call me or come in for a free exam are not the best marketing offers. Learn how to use a compelling offer. When you use a compelling offer, the offer is so juicy that nobody can turn it down. A compelling offer is the key to better conversion.


  • Believe it or not new patients are not the answer to a profitable practice. Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying. New patients are important; but PVA (patient visit average) is equally as important. The practices with the highest PVA are the most stable and profitable. The reason is once you have converted the prospect to a patient there are no further acquisition costs so the longer the patient stays (as long as it is clinically warranted) the more profit you generate.

High PVA starts with doing a proper consultation which is followed up by a ROF (report of findings) that elicits a commitment and an education about continuity. The next piece to PVA is proper table talk, re-exams that connect to the patient’s purpose and goals and lastly, the big picture of health education.


  • Space will not allow for all of the things that you need to be doing right now. Hiring the right team and getting the right people in the right job is imperative to running a stress-free practice. If you are not acquainted with DISC Behavioral studies, you may want to learn about them. Fortune 500 companies use them for a reason. If it is good enough for multi-billion-dollar businesses, it is good enough for a Chiropractic practice too.


In short, DISC studies enable the employer to know exactly what motivates the employee or patient which is extremely valuable. For example, some employees are motivated by money while others are motivated by getting time off. Wouldn’t help you to know what motivates that individual before you hire them? To learn more about Disc Behavior Studies click here.




I have given you the most common areas that need to be attended if you want to have a stress-free and profitable Chiropractic practice. When you are ready to get some help ask a friend, colleague, or another coach; or CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave knowing everything that you need to execute to grow your practice to the next level!



Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.


In Gratitude,

