Tag Archives: Chiropractic Coaches

You Cannot Grow Your Practice If You Cannot See…Interesting!


When the towers came tumbling down on that terrible day on September 11, then Mayor, Rudy Giuliani was running towards the Towers. His security detail stopped him saying, “you can’t go there Mr. Mayor, it is bad!” Giuliani replied, “I can’t lead if I can’t see.”

This is probably one of the most profound quotes that you will ever read. You are probably thinking great Paul but how is this going to help me build my practice? Please, let me explain; I am confident it will be well worth the read.

As our clients are well aware, we help create millionaires. We do it by teaching sound business principles, creating goals and executing meaningful action steps to achieve our purpose.

The first thing that you have to realize is anyone who has achieved any level of success has VISUALIZED that success far before they ever achieved it. You see the subconscious mind does not care and does not know the difference between a real and vividly imagined experience. What that means is if you visualize exactly what you want your practice to look like, coupled with visualizing the precise steps to get you there viola…you get that result. Yes it really is that easy and that is one of the first skills that we teach our clients. Once they can see what they want in their mind’s eye they can create the steps to get there.

If you don’t think this is important why don’t you try this little experiment. The next time you go to drive your car put a blind-fold on. See how far and how safe your journey would be. (PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH A BLIND-FOLD, I WAS JUST TRYING TO MAKE A POINT, I AM NOT SERIOUS IN THAT SUGGESTION…OK I AM NOW LEGALLY COVERED )

Next example, think of any professional athlete. They visualize the ball going swoosh; they visualize where the puck is going to be; they visualize every mogul on the ski slope. They visualize their greatness; and they achieve it!

When Neil Armstrong came back from the moon he said “just like book” because he played let’s pretend 42 bazillion times before he walked on the moon. He visualized every step, every knob turn, every toggle switch, every step…he visualized everything so when the task was actually done he had already done it in his mind’s eye. Visualization is and always will be a game changer that only 1% of the population will ever use….hmmm that is an interesting fact!

Here are some action steps that you can deploy:

  1. Understand that you will manifest what your dominant thought is-if your dominant thought is fear, lack, or trepidation watch how you get more fear, more lack and more trepidation. Do more “be level” action steps to change your thinking.
  2. Remember what you see is what you get. Do you see an empty reception area or a full one? Do you see patient happily paying your bill or complaining about a lack of coverage. Do you see yourself as successful and at the top of your game; or, do you see your self in an ongoing struggle? Learn how to visualize properly. Get some book or MP3’s on the subject. This is one of the first things that we teach all of our clients. What they see is what they will manifest and you can absolutely take that to the bank.

Stop working harder and start working smarter. Visualization is a powerful tool that when mastered you can literally have anything that you want. ANYTHING? Yes anything! The only limit to your success are your fears that stop you from taking different action. The fear of wanting to be coached but how can I afford it? The fear of having to do things differently? The fear that coaching can’t help you. The fear that it won’t work, your staff will reject it, etc.  In short any other fear that you have, that is the only thing that is holding you back. How do I know with 100% certainty? Because I once lived in your shoes. When I made the hard decision to move past my fear, guess what…a new successful me was born. It can happen to you too! Living in fear, respectfully just plain sucks!!

Now is the time to create a better rest of the year for yourself. If you would allow me to help you may click the button below and receive a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session. Just click the button below. In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Practical Steps to Creating YOUR Brand


Since Chiropractic is a personality-driven business it is imperative to create YOUR brand. The word YOUR was highlighted and bolded for a reason. Since you are not McDonald’s, Subway or another franchise you will have to take the necessary steps to brand yourself. When you buy into a franchise the branding is done for you already; which is essentially what you are buying.

Correct branding will lead to easier marketing and increased revenue. Poor branding can be the kiss of death. This is why it is pretty important to get it right…the first time!

When you decide to work with a coach it is very important that you work on branding YOUR practice and vision and not the coach’s brand or vision. Many clients that come to me after having been coached by others failed in their programs because the coach was trying to clone the client. Unless you are the same personality type, guess what? It is going to be very hard to pull off.

For example. There are many Chiropractic coaches who are very aggressive, sales-oriented personalities. If you are not that personality type then you will never be able to get the results using their aggressively worded scripts and actions. It is not who you are.

Here are some steps that will help you brand YOUR practice. The operative word is YOUR.

  1. Decide what your purpose-mission-and vision statements are. If you don’t know why you get up in the morning (I can guarantee that it is not to earn an extra two dollars), and if you don’t know how to create an effective “mission” it will be virtually impossible to create what you truly want.
  2. Create a Unique Value Proposition (UVP)- your UVP is really the central hub of your universe. It is what separates you from every other doctor on the planet earth. It is why people will want to give you their hard-earned money.
  3. Mercedes is a brand. So is Toyota. What are the differences in the brands. How do you want to be perceived in the market-place?
  4. Develop your story and share it with the world.

For Example the Inselmancoaching brand was founded on the purpose that we help everybody regardless of race, religion, creed, or income status to excel to their highest potential. Our vision is that Chiropractors will take the rightful reigns to be the leaders of health care. Not sick care but health care. Nobody who wants coaching will be left behind.

We teach our clients by executing our mission which is to create millionaires who have the economic freedom to give back and help others. We do it by creating systems, organization, and the teaching of time-honored business principles.

The Inselmancoaching brand is one of detail and excellence. We demonstrate excellence by returning all calls, emails, and texts by the end of the business day but they are usually returned within an hour. We teach time-honored business principles that aren’t taught anywhere else because they are proprietary. They get tremendous results. Three millionaires were created Q1. Our clients grew on average 44% in 2016 and 165% since 2008.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

We are available 24/7 and we were the first coaching company to have NO long-term contracts and a 100% money back guarantee. We are an innovative company and very proud of how many clients that we have helped over the past 14 years.

Click the video to hear some humbling and cool stories…

Start creating YOUR brand. Then start marketing your brand and watch your practice soar!

Stop working harder and start working smarter. To have a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session click the button below. In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice.

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It Will Be A New Day For Your Practice If….


I want to share with you a pretty amazing story. Six years ago a Chiropractor went bankrupt; lost his house, and had to move his wife and two young sons to his mother-in laws apartment. The apartment was a two bedroom but all five people squeezed into that tiny apartment and made do.

Each night both he and his wife cried themselves to sleep. All was lost except for one thing…his faith. His faith that he will turn things around. His faith that his wife still believed in him. His faith that he would provide for his children, and the faith that God will always show up.

He also realized how lucky he was. His family had a roof over their head; they were not on the street. His kids were healthy. His mother in law was a saint. Each morning he made sure to count those blessings and to have gratitude.

About five months after going bankrupt he contacted me. He remarked that, ” he had been with many coaches previously but that he really resonated with me.” He stated that, ” I really understood what he was going through.” I explained to him that people come to Inselmancoaching for many reasons. The most common reason is because we truly do understand their unique situation.

Let’s fast forward six years. Six years later he is back on top with a rocking practice. We created a Vision-mission-and purpose statement. Next we created goals. Next he executed the action steps. His office procedures were created. His strategic-based marketing plan were put in place. His financial infra-structure was re-created. He did his “be level” action steps daily.

The results: Emergency fund has over $10K in it. They are in their own apartment and they are planning to get a house within the next two years. College funds were started. He and his wife feel like they are in control again.

Why did he turn things around? Scroll back up and look at all of the bolded words and you will know what you need to do.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

Stop working harder and start working smarter. To have a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session click the button below. In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice.

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Losers Have Goals. Winners Have Systems-WOW That is Profound!!


According to Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert Comic Strip, “Losers have goals. Winners have systems.”

When I first read that quote it struck me as kind of odd. I have set goals my whole entire adult life and from September-December I teach my clients how to set goals; and by no means am I or my clients losers.

Then I started to dissect what he was saying and he is absolutely correct. You see the definition of a goal is a dream or a wish with a timeline around it and appropriate action steps. The appropriate action steps are where systems come into play.

Here is a checklist of the systems that you should be running in your office. This list is not complete and is in no particular order; but it a list of the majors. If you do not have a system then create one. If you do have a system, evaluate it to make sure that it is still serving you.

  1. Telephone systems
  2. New intake systems
  3. Established patients phone systems
  4. Paperwork systems
  5. Filing systems
  6. Strategic-based marketing systems
  7. Recall systems
  8. Consultation systems
  9. ROF systems
  10. Re-exam systems
  11. Radiography systems
  12. Referral systems
  13. Staff hiring-training-firing systems
  14. Tax strategy systems
  15. Saving Systems
  16. Investment systems
  17. Exit strategy systems
  18. Accounting systems
  19. Asset protection systems
  20. Communication systems
  21. Organization systems
  22. Head space systems
  23. Goal setting systems
  24. Implementation systems
  25. Vacation systems
  26. Net worth improvement systems
  27. Patient compliance systems
  28. PVA systems
  29. Insurance collection systems
  30. Cash collection systems
  31. Coaching systems
  32. Mentoring systems
  33. Public speaking systems
  34. Networking systems
  35. Social media systems
  36. HIPPA Systems
  37. Coding and compliance systems
  38. Cross-referral systems
  39. Medical doctor systems
  40. Attorney systems

I wish that everyone who is reading this blog understands that you have the power to create anything in your life that you want. once you understand that basic premise and act accordingly you won’t be able to contain(Click here) the successful growth of your practice and life; which is why we help create millionaires! The only way to grow is to create systems. As our clients know we spend an inordinate amount of time creating systems. Systems allow you to work smarter and not harder.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

To have a free and no-obligation 1 on 1 practice analysis and strategy session click the button below. In all the years that I have been coaching practitioners just like you, I haven’t seen one practice that did the steps above and that utilized our procedures that failed to grow their practice.

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Are You Marketing to the Correct Market?



If your marketing efforts are not going to the correct target market your efforts will be in vain and you will waste a lot of time and money. If you are marketing properly, then THE SKY IS THE LIMIT to how large your practice can grow!

Let me give you an example. Let’s say that you want to go fishing for shark. Would you come to visit me in South Florida and go fishing in the lake in my backyard? Of course not, sharks don’t live in fresh water. OK, so we go to the ocean; would you use a minnow for bait? Of course not, sharks don’t eat minnows, they eat BIG fish.

Your marketing is the same thing. If you like to treat children would you do a lecture in a senior center? The obvious answer is no…but many of you do.

When I ask practitioners who is your ideal patient, they will often answer me, “anyone with good insurance.” The next question I ask them is to tell me about the characteristics of their least favorite patient that they treat. They go on to tell me how that person is always late, never pays their bill on time and is always complaining about something. ‘How would you like a hundred more of those patients, I ask?” When they tell me no, I remind them that they told me that their ideal patient is anyone with good insurance.

Let’s go over the steps to identifying an ideal patient so your marketing efforts will improve:
1. Identify specifically who you like to treat
2. What are the specific characteristics of that person?
3. Where do they live, work, and play?
4. What types of cases to they present with?
5. What are their socio-economics?
6. What hobbies do they have?
7. In short list everything that you can about that type of person

Next you want to start to determine which marketing techniques that you will utilize. make sure that they are strategic-based and not just tactical based. If you don’t know the difference, click here.

You have the ability with today’s modern marketing tools, like Google AdWords, Facebook, and Twitter, to make a huge impact in your marketplace. Use the steps above. If you are still having trouble, speak to a friend or colleague that is having success, or if you would like a free and without obligation strategy session, click the button below.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Four Action Steps That Will DESTROY Your Practice

Four actions that will destroy your practice. Avoid them at all costs.

  1.  Dishonesty-Sadly when economies turn south, good people sometimes do bad things. When you are in a position to sign insurance forms, disability forms and accept credit cards you have been given a huge social and legal responsibility. Not only is it your ethical duty to protect the patient but it is also your legal duty. Dishonesty always starts small and then mushrooms out of control. Never think of padding a bill, falsifying records, or charging a credit card improperly.  Everyday we read of business leaders and doctors who have lied, cheated, and stolen assets of innocent victims.They never believed that they would get caught. If you are doing dishonest deeds cease immediately.
  2.  Poor Management– Many practices are brought to their knees because the doctor did not know how to run a business.It is imperative that you know how to run a business. If you are bouncing checks, paying late fees and don’t know how to read basic financial statements learn as quickly as possible.
  3.  Patients are not Relevant- Are you rushing from room to room? Are your patients waiting more than ten minutes? Does it take you more than 24 hours to fill out requested forms? Your practice is based on your patients. Excellent customer service is the key to having them come back. You must make your patients feel special on each and every visit.
  4.  Refusal to Hire the Proper Advisers– Business owners fail to realize that the money that often think they are saving by doing it themselves ends up costing much more in the end. Did you spend money on marketing this year? Did it yield the number of new patients that you expected it too? Did you get at least a 4:1 return on investment? Strategic-based marketing is the key to improving your marketing efforts. Learn how to create a UVP and how deploy strategic campaigns and I am confident that you will be very happy with your results. Never be your own attorney. I spend more time trying to get doctors out of bad leases, partnerships, and deals that they made by being their own attorney. Had they hired the attorney in the first place they could have saved a ton of money in the long run.

Like it or not you have spent or you will spend more money if you act as your own: Attorney, Accountant, Business coach, Insurance agent, or Compliance expert. Each of these professionals you will either hire willingly and invest money with them to help you grow your practice and protect your assets or you will pay via mistakes. According to statistics, people who hire professionals make or save more money than those that do not. Our clients have increased their income 44% last year and 150% since 2008. We also had three practices move to millionaire status, all because of coaching. People who use investment advisers statistically earn an additional 3% on their portfolios after paying their advisory fees. The lesson-hire professional to help you.

By preventing and or limiting mistakes will put more money into your pocket and allow you to deliver better care to your patients. Remember mistakes cost you time, money and energy. If you made a mistake and you are now worrying about it, your worry is taking precious time away from your patient which could and usually does lead to a down-turn. Remember to always practice PTC present time consciousness.

If you would like a free and without obligation practice analysis and strategy session, click the button below.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Why Our Clients Put Their Faith and Trust in Inselmancoaching

This year has been so unbelievable to date that I have to pinch myself to make sure that I am not dreaming. I am so filled with gratitude tonight that I can hardly get the words out.

Today I had the honor of speaking to a client who six months ago was one paycheck away from losing his home. His marriage was “done” in his words and his oldest daughter hadn’t spoken to him in over a year. To say he was battered, tattered, and worn out would be an understatement of understatements!

In absolute desperation he decided to coach with me. The first thing I did with him was teach him this algorithm. Thoughts>Feelings>(+Vibration/-Vibration)>Action Steps>Which Creates Your World.

For years he felt that he had no control over his life. Once he learned this algorithm and how to create a better world for himself he felt hope and anticipation. Once he felt hopeful we were able to determine what his true needs and desires were and create action steps to create his world.

The results: His marriage is not “done”. He and his wife are in counseling and they are progressing beautifully! His daughter and he have reunited and wow does it feel so good (to quote the song). His practice is back in the black; he has saved his house; and, he feels like he is on top of the world.

Me? I am like a proud Papa! It literally brings tears to my eyes.

When we spoke today I asked him why did you put your faith and trust in Inselmancoaching? I then asked sixteen other clients and here is what they told me:

  1. From the 1st time we spoke they never felt judged
  2. They felt that I really, really cared about them
  3. I demonstrated that I cared by the actions I did. Calling them on weekends. being available all hours of the day or night. Driving patients home in a snowstorm; Paying to have an elderly couple’s driveway shoveled.  Going what they described as the extra two miles.
  4. They stated that because I still see patients they felt that my information was very current and very relevant. Once they coached with me for a while they stated that they never learned any of the marketing techniques that I teach anywhere else.
  5. They loved that I teach how to achieve financial independence. Once we coached for a while they stated that the business skill-sets that I taught them they were never exposed to; and, it has prepared them for the rest of their business life. The majority of clients stated that they were teaching their kids young and old these valuable skill-sets.
  6. “You are always there for me”, 10PM, Sunday’s at noon, whenever I need you, you are there.
  7. The results. We had three clients become millionaires last quarter. Over 90% of our clients had record 1st quarters in addition to growing on average 44% last year!
  8. They stated that they appreciated my flexibility with scheduling coaching calls.
  9. They stated that it was nice to know that someone truly cared about them and that there was a friendly person who would lead them down a path that would make their lives better. For many when they first begin coaching they were going through the lowest point in their life and career. They felt safe, loved, and nurtured.

All in all, not a bad day. I thank each and every one of my amazing clients from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to serve you. I love watching you GROW!  THANK YOU!!



If you would like a free and without obligation practice analysis and strategy session, click the button below.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Deploy These Steps for 60 days and Grow Your Chiropractic Practice-Guaranteed!

In thirteen years of coaching Chiropractors just like you, there appears to be universal challenges that when fixed leads to better growth. The video below will outline the steps to take immediately. Deploy all of the suggestions over the next sixty days and watch your practice grow! Yes it really is that easy!

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

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Why 6 out of 10 Chiropractors do not Have $500 in Savings and What to do About It

no money

In a new report from bankrate, nearly six in 10 Americans don’t have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense. The article goes on to say Only 41% of adults reported having enough in their savings account to cover a surprise bill of this magnitude. A little more than 20% said they would put it on a credit card, the report said, while 20% would cut their spending and 11% would turn to friends and family for financial assistance.

We teach our clients how to earn more money; protect their hard-earned money; and have their money make them money. This article will address all three.

If you want to earn more money then you must learn the how to do the following:

  1. Create Certainty
  2. Create an identity
  3.  Know how to determine what your patient really wants by performing a proper consultation and create value for the need
  4. Be organized
  5. Be able to communicate in the patient’s language
  6. How to be a leader
  7. How to train your staff
  8. How to create good financial skills
  9. How to use Strategic-based marketing
  10. Have someone to hold you accountable
  11. How to run a business
  12. How to use the Laws of Attraction
  13. Banish fear
  14. How to create pig-headed discipline
  15. How to create the knowledge that you will thrive no matter what

If you want to learn how to protect your money then you must learn the following:

  1. How to spend money to make you money
  2. What advisers you need to surround yourself with
  3. How to choose a good business coach
  4. How to choose a good CPA

If you want your money to make you money you must learn the following:

  1. How to choose the right financial planner
  2. How to choose the correct investment adviser
  3. How to create a budget
  4. How to use debt correctly

Our clients have much more than $500 or $1000 in the bank. At Inselmancoaching we take your success very seriously. Click here to set up a complimentary, no-obligation 1 on 1 Practice and Business Analysis and Strategy Session. Learn why our clients grew their income on average 44% last year and their personal net worth 5-60%. You can have it all when you know how to achieve what you want. Let’s explore the possibilities together.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

How to Create a Fresh Restart So this Year is Amazing!

new life

Happy New Year. I hope you and your family had an amazing holiday season. If you want this year to be an amazing year, you must create momentum immediately. If you fail to create momentum then you will end up playing catch-up ball all year-long, and, well, that is just not fun. Now is the time to create a fresh start.

I will outline steps to take now. Many of these steps should have been created in the 4th quarter of 2016 but if you haven’t done so as of yet, later is better than never; so do it now!

  1. You must have a clear vision of what the New Year will look like. As my clients know we worked on vision ad nauseam the last quarter. Why? Having a clear vision creates excitement, which in turn creates momentum automatically. You always want to start the year off with as much momentum as you can muster. If you don’t know how to create a clear vision of what your new year will look like, ask a friend, colleague, or hire a coach to help you. This first step is crucial to your success.
  2. You must create meaningful action steps that will allow you to achieve your vision. When you deploy your action steps one of two things will happen. You will either like the result or you won’t. If you don’t like the result, tweak, change or re-create your action steps. Once again you will have a result that you either like or not. If you don’t like the result tweak, change or re-create your action steps again and keep doing it until you get the result that you want. Most people try an action step and then give up if the result isn’t what they hoped for. Giving up is never an option if you want to be successful.
  3. Hire someone to hold you accountable. Accountability forces you to stay on course even when things get rough, or unpleasant. Can you imagine if you deployed 1/2 of the great ideas that you had last year? Accountability forces you to deploy all of your great ideas.
  4. Invest in yourself. Like it or not you are going to need to invest more time and or money in yourself and in your practice. You cannot continue to perform tactical-based marketing. Your pocketbook cannot afford the waste that tactical-based marketing causes. Instead use strategic-based marketing. You will get a better return on your investment and you will get better results.
  5. Know your desired outcome. If you fail to know what you specifically want you will fail to achieve your desires. This is goal-setting 101. If you did not create your goals last year do it today. If you don’t know how to create goals then ask a friend, colleague, or hire a coach to help you. Goals are your roadmap. If you don’t have them, it will be very hard to get where you are wanting to go.

Building a practice and a life takes work, discipline time and money. It should not be difficult and it should be a labor of love. Financial security is a wonderful thing to have and you deserve to have it too. Our clients were up on average 44% last year because they created a vision; created a plan; worked the plan and were held accountable.

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

 Make this year better than last. If you choose to work with me I guarantee that you will grow. Now is the time for you to get a fresh new start. When you are ready to explore specifically how we can help you, click here for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation.