What Chiropractors Need to do Right Now to Grow Their Practice

After practicing for thirty-six years and coaching Chiropractors just like you for the last nineteen years, I can tell you with one-hundred percent certainty that I know more than a thing or two about growing a great practice. I have helped many practitioners prevent bankruptcy, design the practice that THEY love, and I have helped many practitioners become millionaires. You can be helped too.


If after reading this article, you feel gut-punched, I apologize in advance. My job as a business development expert is to tell people the truth. Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because it hurts. I totally understand and if you don’t want to read further that is fine too.


This blog will give you the truth and the facts as to why your practice is growing or shrinking. What you do with the information is entirely up to you.


Here are the major problems in Chiropractic today:


  • The majority of chiropractors do not understand the first thing about marketing and creating a constant stream of new patients. Because they do not know, they go to all sorts of marketing gurus, social media gurus, coaches and wizards in the hope of finding someone who can get them a steady flow of new patients.


  •  Here is the reality of marketing. Know your target audience. Create a market dominating position and know what media is the best to disseminate your message. When you choose to deploy the above you will save tons of money and get a steady flow of endless quality patients. Don’t believe me? Try it and let me know.


  • Chiropractors typically run a hobby that they call a business. This affords the chiropractor no time off, the necessity to wear a bazillion hats, early burn-out, and unhappiness.


  • The answer is to create systems for everything in your office. This allows you to run your office instead of the other way around. Here is the problem…most chiropractors do not want to invest the time and money that it takes to carve out effective systems and that is why they stay on the hamster wheel; only to wake up ten years later hating their career, profession, and life.


  • Chiropractors on the whole suck at managing money. The majority spend way above their means which causes endless financial and marital stress. In addition, many get killed in taxes because they were never taught how to handle money.


  • The fix is to find an advisor who will teach you how to read and understand balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements. They should also teach you how to properly cut expenses, save for retirement and how to create a budget. The chiropractor who fails to invest the time and money in learning these skills will have endless money stress and always be behind the eight ball.


  • Chiropractors are notoriously poor at organization. If you are not organized and you are able to generate forty-five new patients, you will lose 95% which will always keep you on the hamster wheel. When you are organized you will get a full sixty minutes out of every hour, plus more free time to do what you love.


  • The last point for today is every single one of these deficits can be fixed. When they are fixed, you will enjoy your practice, make more money, reduce your stress and be happy again. You have to decide if it is worth the investment of time and dollars, in the same way as your patients have to decide if it is worth the time and dollars in coming to you.

Practicing Chiropractic is supposed to be fun, financially rewarding and pretty much, stress free. If your practice is not all of the above, speak to a friend, colleague, another business coach or me for help. If you haven’t created what you want by now, then it is time to seek outside help. Get off the hamster wheel!

Are you ready to grow your practice and achieve real economic wealth and freedom? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!

Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.

The next blog will discuss more problems and fixes for your practice.


In gratitude,





Boomers and Millennials see things differently and that is 100% okay. Neither group is right and neither group is wrong.

I see ‘The Gurus always talking about that you live in one or two places…

Either you need to be hustling always cause ‘winners never turn it off…’

… the other Gurus say that if you can’t chill whenever you want, then you don’t really have a business.

These two points are both WRONG! WRONG! AND WRONG!

Business and people have a rhythm. Click here to read another article on the subject.

If you want to grow your business right now, then you’re probably going to feel more fulfilled by doing more action steps and busting your ass right now.

If your business is established, and you feel like you want to put your feet up and rest then you are probably going to feel better taking some time out for your


Maybe you’re feeling like “I’m not going to live forever, and some things are more important than working.” If that is the case, then why shouldn’t you take some time off?

When you look at each scenario you can see and feel the rhythm in each example. Based on the rhythm of each business and person, the answer of what to do becomes pretty obvious.

What if you feel like you are somewhere in the middle?

My suggestion is to carve out some time to work and grow AND carve out time to chill.

Bottom line…

Stop listening to the idiots, both baby Boomer and Millennial Gurus telling you that you’re either succeeding or failing by your level of activity. Do what is right for you based on your rhythm.

Everyone is different and everyone need to hustle and rest at different times. Do what is right for you.


Are you ready to achieve real economic wealth, freedom and balance? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!



Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.


I lectured last week to a very nice audience that booked me pre-pandemic, after numerous cancellations we finally made it happen.


The first thing I asked was, “How many people want to earn a minimum of seven figures annually?”


As you can guess all hands went up.


The next question I asked was, “How many people are willing to do the work to earn seven figures annually”? As you probably guessed, the majority of the hands went down.


Interestingly, one person asked, “What does the work entail?” A fair question, I thought and proceeded to answer, “I don’t know. Everybody and every business are different. I can shorten the answer to this…would you be willing to do whatever it took to achieve your goal?” “Would you work 100 hours a week, take no vacation, never see your family for a period of time to achieve the goal?”


You see folks growing a business and a life is serious business. Dipping a toe in will not cut it. You have to be better, faster, and nimbler than your competition or they will eat your lunch.


This is the biggest mistake that I see small business owners make. They wish and hope for results without creating a plan. What I painstakingly do with my clients is to create a a plan and roadmap complete with actions steps. Do you know what? It works!


Last year twenty-three of my clients became a millionaire by using the aforementioned strategy. You can join their ranks too whenever you are ready to create a plan and be willing to put the time in (and then some) to execute the plan. The benefit to sacrificing now is that you can coast later on down the road.


Personally, I busted my ass when I was younger. I still bust my ass today but not as hard as I used to because of what I created when I was younger. It took discipline and accountability to make it happen. I am no better, or smarter than you. If I can create an awesome life and business, you can too.


Are you ready to achieve real economic wealth and freedom? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!


Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.

Money Tips That You Can Use Now-Part Two

Yesterday we discussed that my grandfather used to say, “rich or poor it is better to have money.”  We also discussed a couple of good tips to get your financial house in order. Click here to read yesterday’s tips.


Here are some more tips and tricks to help you make and save more money.


Invest in What you know and what you are comfortable doing– I agree options are exciting and cool. However, if you don’t know what you are doing you will get crushed! So before you invest in anything, learn about it first. You should also stay within your risk tolerance. There is no reason to invest in something if you are going to lose sleep over it.


Own your own business- I understand that not everyone is capable or should own their own business. You will have to search within and figure that out for yourself. However, if you are capable of owning your own business, do it because it ensures your ultimate success.


Having a job is great but your boss will get rich, not you; and your paycheck will only come as long as your boss wants to pay you. Also, you lose all freedom of time.


Business ownership affords you all sorts of tax benefits, the ability to work as much or as little as you wish and the ability to control your destiny. If you are capable of owning your own business, make it happen.


Life is too short not to have a dream job or business. If you want a new career where you can work from home, earn $250,000+ per year and really make a difference in other people’s lives, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE. about joining our team. You will be blown away when you watch the video!


Create an emergency fund-According to Forbes, the average American does not have an extra $400.00 saved to handle an emergency. That stat just sucks! Do not let that be you. Start saving a $1.00 per day on the low side and obviously more if able. Keep putting it away consistently. Over time it will accumulate. Put away 12-18 months of expenses as your goal.


Invest early and invest consistently for retirement-I started saving for retirement when I was 24 years old. I have advised my kids to do the same. I did not understand the advice at the time because retirement was decades away. My kids feel the same way. Now that I am 60 and don’t know where the decades have gone, I am quite happy I heeded the advice, and my kids will be too when they get to be my age. I explained in the last newsletter that consistency and persistency are the keys to anyone’s success, yours included.


The way you get wealthy is by the compounding of interest over time. Start putting away something towards retirement in tax advantaged accounts with the goal of maxing out each year. Do it early and often!


Everyone can have financial security. It takes discipline and perseverance. Sure, it is easy to buy a bigger car or house. Of course, you can put purchases on a credit card. Or, you can make up your mind to be financially independent and make different choices. The choice is up to you. Start with these best practices and stay tuned for more tips.


Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.


Want to achieve real economic wealth and freedom? Last year 23 clients became millionaires. CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!




My grandfather used to say, “rich or poor it is better to have money.” You know what? He was right. Money buys you better nutrition, better necessities, better education, better maintenance and upkeep on everything in your life and peace of mind.

Since everyone strives to have more money; it baffles my mind how people are such poor stewards of the green stuff.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you make and save more money.

Keep your fixed costs down– Your rent, mortgage, telephone, insurance bills etc. will come every single month without fail. These are called fixed costs. The key to wealth accumulation is keep those pesky costs DOWN! Buying or renting a smaller home keeps your mortgage or rent down. It keeps your taxes down. It lowers your insurance costs, maintenance costs and electric costs too. Do you really need that bigger house over a smaller one?

What about your car? Do you really need the more expensive one which raises your insurance, gas, and maintenance costs over the less expensive one?

Pay off Debt and stay out of debt before you start investing-Debt is the absolute killer of dreams. As the Fed continues to raise rates your debt becomes more expensive. The key is to stay out of debt in the first place. If you have debt, then the key is to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Use this thought…DEBT=CANCER (DEADLY, UGLY CANCER THAT WILL RAVAGE YOU AND ULTIMATELY KILL YOU) Do you still want to use that plastic?

Clients often ask me what they should invest in. I agree, investing is a huge key to wealth accumulation after you get rid of debt. Getting loan and credit card balances down to zero and keeping them there is a very straightforward way strategy for increased wealth.

Start with these suggestions and tomorrow I will give you some more tips.

Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.

Want to achieve real economic wealth and freedom? Last year 23 clients became millionaires. CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!


Did you ever wake up in the morning and everything seemed perfect? You felt well rested, no aches, no pains, and you felt calm and at ease? Success routines will help.

That state is called effortless ease. Contrast that to the alarm going off late, no hot water for your shower, a stubbed toe and a fight with your spouse.

We have all had both scenarios. How can we create scenario one over and over again is the focus of today’s newsletter?

To grow a successful business and life you will need and want more scenario number one’s, so let’s get to it.

Everything in life has a natural and harmonious rhythm to it. The ocean waves come in with a certain rhythm and go out. We breathe with a certain rhythm. The flowers bloom and die with a certain rhythm. Well, guess what we have certain rhythms too!

The key to having a good positive rhythm is to create it with a success routine. These are the steps that I use that have worked for me for over thirty years. They will work for you too.

Create a morning routine that is done consistently. I never ever miss a day. My routine consists of affirmations, visualizations, meditation, prayer and exercise. I also write in a journal and look at my goals. Let me emphasize…I NEVER MISS A DAY! EVER!

My afternoon routine is I evaluate my goals again and determine if my daily action steps are moving me closer or further and I tweak accordingly. I also do a gratitude exercise. Let me emphasize…I NEVER MISS A DAY! EVER!

My evening routine is an evaluation of my action steps for the day. Post-mortem analysis of the day (evaluate what worked and did not work) Gratitude exercises, prayer, and reading. Let me emphasize…I NEVER MISS A DAY! EVER!

By executing those action steps, I create a rhythm to my day that over time becomes the natural state of order in my life. Now, is everyday Christmas for me? Absolutely not! I have crappy days too, however, they are very few and far between. You may want to try the above suggestions for yourself CONSISTENLY AND PERSISTENTLY FOR six months and evaluate for yourself if it creates a better rhythm in your life too.

Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.

If you are ready to grow your business? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!

Building a Business is Based on WHO You are

If I say Tony Robbins, Mark Cuban or Kevin O’Leary you know who they are immediately. As a matter of fact, on Shark Tank, Kevin O’Leary always says when “I put my name on something it automatically grows.”

Do you know why? Because he is the brand. Tony Robbins and Mark Cuban are their brands too. They get paid millions of dollars not because of what they do but because of WHO THEY ARE!

Who are you? What do you do every day to nurture and grow you? How are you building your brand?

The first thing to do is think about how you want people to perceive you. Next, create your ideal client and determine what problems they have that “Your brand” can solve.

Consistency is key. Keep posting and post some more. The trick is to make your posting relevant for that target audience.

If you are consistent, in time you gain more and more of a following and your brand will be created. Please note, it takes time to build a great brand and seconds to destroy it. You must uphold your brand by having integrity always, practicing common sense things like returning communications in a timely fashion and being an ambassador of customer service.

If you nurture your brand and treat it like gold (which it is), that brand (you) will reap the rewards decade, after decade, after decade.

You deserve the best life and business, don’t you? If you are not happy where your business is, speak to a friend, colleague, another business coach, or me. Action steps are what will create results. Wishing and hoping are not strategies.

Need everything done for you marketing? Click Here to take a free tour of the Academy.

If you are ready to grow your business? CLICK HERE to set up a complimentary business strategy session and you will leave the call with a detailed plan!

Your Growth is Based on Your Routines

Please look at the picture above. Seeds were planted and then a routine was set. The routine will either create fruit or famine and you can literally measure those results.

The same for your business. Your routines are creating measurable results either good or bad. The nice thing is results don’t lie!

For nineteen years, I have been working with small business owners just like you to create or change their non-working routines into fruit-bearing routines. Here is the great news…you can be helped too.

Do you have a morning routine that will set your day for success? If you don’t, what would happen to your business if you did?

Do you have a set up systems that your business runs by; or does the business run you?

Last year alone twenty-three of our clients became a millionaire. Each had the same type of response…”That was easier than I thought once I had the guidance.”

Results are what is measured. If you are happy with your results do nothing. If your results are poor talk to a friend, colleague, another business coach, or me. If you want to grow faster than you are, talk to a friend, colleague, another business coach or me. After thirty- six years of being in business and after nineteen years of coaching small business owners just like you, you should be confident that you can be helped too.

If you would like to explore the possibilities, Click here to set up a free and no-obligation strategy session and screen share and I will show you how.


In Gratitude,





The majority of small businesses are established in response to market demand for a product or service. Many build their businesses by serving that demand and enjoy growing profits without putting much effort into long-term planning or marketing.

However, what happens when that demand slows or stops? What happens when the competition sets up shop with a “new and improved” version of your product down the road? How do you keep your offering fresh while growing and maintaining your client base?

 The answer, innovate your business and offer extraordinary value by creating a “market dominating position.” Consider this. Every choice you make when buying a product or a service represents a point of differentiation between one company and their competitors. These differences, whether subtle or distinct, determine which customers will buy what they sell. Tomorrow, How to create your MDP. Want a sneak peak? Click here to take a free tour of the Academy of Creative marketing.

Why 60% of Chiropractors will Retire with Less than $50,000 in Total Savings

We will continue to share information with you that will strengthen your practice by helping you to understand the micro and macro-economic impacts on your business. So let us tell you what the implications are.


Could you imagine practicing Chiropractic for 30 years; being loved by all the sick patients that you got well; then retiring with less than $50,000? That is insanity with a capital “I”. If you are struggling now to make ends meet, how will you turn it around so you can actually save and have a comfortable retirement? It is easier than you think.


Try these two solutions to help you become more proactive:


1. Learn How to Run a Business. Chiropractors need to learn how to run a business, not just a practice. It is imperative that you be able to generate and read a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet. There are two ways to increase your bottom line. (1) Increase income and (2) decrease expenses. You need to realize that your expenses can only be cut a finite amount; your income potential, however, is infinite.


You must also be able to determine your ROI (return on investment) in any expenditure that you make. ROI doesn’t always reflect money. Sometimes ROI can be received in time, education, or opportunity.


2. Create a Plan and Work the Plan. Do you have written goals? If you don’t shame on you. If you have written goals, do you look at them every day? If not shame on you again? Do you have a minimum of 5 and preferably 10 simultaneously deployed strategic based marketing strategies working all the time?


These 2 areas illustrated above will take you very far in insuring that you retire with way more than $50,000. Goals are your road map to practice and financial freedom. Remember in #1 I said that your income potential is infinite? Strategic-based marketing will allow you to fulfill that infinite potential.


The practice of chiropractic has drastically changed in the last couple of years. Patients have to decide if they are going to spend their money in your office or if they are going to buy a tank of gas. There is no room for error. If you want to retire comfortably, or if you want to live comfortably today then you must start changing what you are presently doing immediately.


If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Creativecoachingllc.net has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader.