Author Archives: Dr. Paul S. Inselman

business coaching

7 Signs You Would Benefit from Business Coaching Services

If you’re considering hiring a business coach, there’s a pretty solid chance that you need one.

When you’re hoping to find the very base of what’s holding you back, looking for an outside perspective is the best way to do it. Business coaching offers you with a view of your company through a set of new, unbiased eyes.

Business coaching can give you the insight you need to help you and your business overcome challenges.

There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. Even the best minds in business started somewhere. Name any successful CEO, professional athlete, professional actor or actress that does not have a coach. Here’s an interesting correlation. 1% of the population has controlled all of the wealth since the beginning of time and only 1% of the population uses a coach.

If you’re not sure whether or not hiring a business coach is right for you, here are 7 signs you could use one!

1. Your Direction Changes Frequently

A unified vision is paramount to running a small business. If you’re the only leader in your company, this is doubly true.

It is so important that your vision remains steady and constant. If you find that you are hopping back and forth between models and markets, a business coach would be a great step in the right direction.

2. Your Priorities are Muddled

Without a clear set of standard priorities, you will never get to where you want to go. There are tools that can help you identify the weaknesses in your business and help you give them the attention they deserve.

Those tools can certainly help you find the holes in your business model, they can’t find the solutions.

A business coach would be the perfect solution to helping you find the holes and patch them up.

3. You Lack a Plan

If you have ever found yourself wondering what you were going to do for the rest of the day, a business coach is an answer to your problems.

A business coach can use their years of extensive business strategies to help you develop a plan for your business.

You’ll find yourself better able to choose between important activities and figuring out what the most important next step is. This is the key to accomplishing important tasks and managing your business.

4. You Don’t Get Anything Done

There are tasks that even the most productive people don’t want to get done. We all have tasks we want to put off and times where we feel like we are as burnt out as possible.

These are probably the times you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and do what needs to be done for the sake of your business.

When you find that you procrastinate from one day to the next, or if you need help sticking to your end goals, a business coach can help you accountable.

5. You Work All the Time

If you can’t remember the last time you took a vacation, a day off, or had a work week under 60 hours, there’s a chance there are opportunities for you to delegate better.

According to a 2014 study, 82% of entrepreneurs are working over 40 hours a week, but only 44% want to be.

This is because business owners feel like there are some tasks that they are the only ones capable of handling. This sort of “if you want it done right, do it yourself” mentality can be detrimental to you and, subsequently, your business.

You don’t want to work below your pay grade.

A business coach can help you identify the tasks that you can give to someone else to handle in a timely manner. And if you don’t have that person, your coach can help you find them.

6. The Internet Confuses You

In our world, the internet is where a small business will make or break itself. With a more active online presence, your business can build a reputation, partnerships, and sales.

Social media and paid advertising are just a few of the ways you can use the internet to your advantage and create a name for your business.

If the internet seems like a scary place to you, or if you just don’t understand how to use certain functions to your benefit, a business coach can help guide you or direct you to another service that can do the job for you.

A business coach can help you figure out where and how to use your marketing budget while giving you the tools to maintain it.

7. You Want Expansion

If your business is operating smoothly and generating a decent revenue stream, but you still want to expand, a business coach could help.

Messing with a tried and true business method in the hopes of creating more growth and revenue can be a scary thing. It’s full of risks and twists and turns. But it’s something that has to be done in order to advance.

Business coaches are a great way to smooth that transition. They can help you create and use a plan to move your company in the right direction.

Alternatively, if your company grew too fast all at once, you can feel terribly overwhelmed.

When your staff and building and methods have all stayed the same but your business is booming, you find yourself in a situation that can easily lead to overworking your employees, and that leads to poor customer service.

A business coach is a great option here, as they can help you create a plan to deal with your growing business.

Business Coaching is the Way of the Future

70% of small businesses see improvements when they hire business coaches. 86% of those see a return on investment. There are no reasons why you shouldn’t invest in these amazing opportunities to improve your business’s chances of success.

If you’re interested in learning more about what business coaching can do for you, or if you’d like to check out a few other tips and tricks for running a successful business, contact us today!

How To End Your Marketing Quarter Strong

Many companies slow their marketing efforts towards the end of the quarter. This means it’s the perfect time to pull out ahead of the competition. Since your success is our success here at Creative Coaching, check out these tips and tricks on how to end your marketing quarter strong.

Why You Should Keep Going

If your company is stepping on the brakes come the end of the quarter, here are some reason to keep going. By far the biggest reason to step up your marketing game, in fact, the only reason to ever focus on marketing, is because it’s an investment.

You don’t put aside a significant marketing budget just for fun. You do it because it produces a return on investment (ROI). So, what do you need to keep in mind for your marketing budget? We’re glad you asked.

Spending Budget

It ain’t over till it’s over. While it may be rare, some departments find themselves with additional budget dollars allocated. With the “use it or lose it” policy found in most organizations, department managers are looking for opportunities to spend these excess dollars.

  • Don’t get passed up by a lack of visibility. Make sure your organization is front and center when prospects are looking for ways to spend their dollars. This includes communicating with your prospects on the right channels at the right times.
  • Your end-of-quarter marketing efforts need a sense of urgency. They should feature messages and offerings that company leaders can use to help justify last-minute spending. This includes things like concise, bullet-pointed lists that focus on the value you’re offering, as well as how the benefits of what you’re offering can extend into the next quarter or year.

Another important thing to note is that you should try and avoid wasting your audience’s time by marketing to them just for the sake of marketing. You should respect your potential customer’s time and ensure that, if you are marketing to them, you actually have something to offer other than just information.

One great way to achieve this is via information heavy content marketing. You can write informative articles and create interesting webinars that your audience is interested in and only subtly include advertisements for your business services, or just give your company a little call-to-action plug at the end of an article. You’ll be surprised at how well this can work. Yes, it’s an indirect form of marketing, but customers are often more likely to check out your website or explore your service offering after you’ve earned their trust by providing valuable information.

Think About Next Year’s Budget

Toward the end of the fourth quarter is when most companies are figuring out their budgets for the coming year. Your goal should be to make sure your products or services are fixed firmly in your potential customer’s heads as either a necessary cost to round out the year or as a must have for the next one. This, obviously, is easier said than done. But the best way to do so is to highlight how your products/services address their key points of pain and how you can relieve that pain.

  • Identify your customer’s biggest pain-points.
  • Create ROI reports and cost/benefit analysis to help department heads justify spending on your company’s products and or services.  
  • Provide proof-of-concept via case studies as well as customer testimonies and, if requested, references.

So, the takeaway is to remember to focus your marketing efforts, particularly at the end of the year, on the benefits you’re providing to the customer. Don’t waste your breath describing features, or just trying to raise awareness about some particular product and or service. That sort of passive advertising and marketing is fine at the beginning or in the middle of a quarter, but it is not okay at the end of one.

Need to develop and implement a truly effective marketing strategy? Then it’s time you checked out Creative Coaching’s Consulting services. our website or give us a call at (888) 201-0567.

DISC Assessment

How to Build Your Business Once You Know What Motivates Your Prospects & Staff

It’s no secret that people who are passionate about what they’re doing perform at a much higher level. This is the secret of successful executives and executives the world over. So, what makes a person want to get out of bed each day? Why are some staff motivated by the thought of making more money, while others are motivated by more vacation time?

Why is it that some clients, customers, or patients buy from you immediately but others wait six months?

There isn’t a single, easy answer to these questions, but there are some things you need to keep in mind to see increased leads and sales, and more engaged staff. The most important part? The Driving Forces of a prospect, employee, and yourself. Once you understand someone’s Driving Forces, you stack the odds way in your favor. You have a much better chance of motivating them. How would you feel about more closings under your belt? How about a more motivated staff? How would injecting more passion into your day work for you?


What are Driving Forces?

Welcome to the amazing world of Driving Forces. A driving force is what makes a person spring out of bed, excited for the day. It’s the hidden force that energizes you to tackle your career with enthusiasm and ambition. When you, your staff’s, or your prospects’ driving forces are satisfied, you and they will feel engaged, rewarded, and energized.

what are driving forces?

According to TTI Success Insights, organizations with a higher than average level of employee engagement realize:

  1. 27% higher profits
  2. 50% higher sales
  3. 50% higher customer loyalty
  4. Above average productivity

In 1914 Eduard Spranger, a German philosopher and psychologist, discovered that there are six universal motivators. He called them categories. These categories motivate human beings. The question then becomes just how can you make these categories work for you?

Well, with time and research, modern-day behavioral analysts have discovered that there are actually twelve categories, or Driving Forces, that exist in everyone in your organization from receptionist to CEO. Moreover, according to TTI Success Insights, the level to which these forces are satisfied can be directly proportional to how engaged and productive your employees are, impacting the profitability of your organization.


Get Your Mojo Back & Watch Your Business Flourish

The mojo of far too many small business owners has been zapped. It’s been depleted by the day-to-day challenges of owning and operating a business. To put it another way: you’ve forgotten why you started your business in the first place. You’ve lost your passion.

using driving forces and disc assessments to build successful relationships

As a Certified Professional Behaviors Analyst (CPBA) and a Certified Professional 12 Driving Forces Analyst (CPDFA), I help clients with the following:

  • Learning what motivates you and getting your mojo back as a result
  • Having fun in your business or practice again (once your mojo is back everything is better)
  • Developing action-oriented and profitable support teams that work harmoniously with each other
  • A deeper understanding of what motivates your prospects, so you will close more deals and earn more money
  • Developing a happier family life because you understand what drives each family member and how to pull the best out of them

The first thing to identify is if you are a candidate for a Disc Assessment and Identification of your 12 Driving Forces. Click here for a free and no-obligation consultation so we can explore all of the possibilities of helping you get to the next level together.

7 Marketing Tips to Get Your Accounting Practice in Order

7 Marketing Tips For Accountants

If you’re an accountant you’re used to handling big numbers, so try this on for size: there are approximately 1.25 million accountants and auditors in the United States. When potential clientele can’t tell one practice apart from another, how do you make your accounting practice stand out? This is where marketing tips to get your accounting practice in order become incredibly valuable.

Marketing bridges the gap between you and prospective new clients. If you’ve never dabbled in marketing, creating a marketing plan and establishing a budget can seem daunting. In order to find target audiences (and be found by them) with relatively small output, here are some insider secrets to consider. We’re giving you the keys to the kingdom here, don’t abuse them!

Keep reading for the top seven marketing tips to get your accounting practice in order.

Pick a Niche

Determining an area of focus will help you streamline your messaging to be as specific and effective as possible. You wouldn’t give the same pitch to a low-income household and a multi-million-dollar corporation, right? Keep this in mind for all aspects of your marketing, from digital to print and beyond.

Working in one niche not only gives you the opportunity to become an expert in that area, but you will come be to known in those circles. People inherently trust what is familiar. If your accounting practice is a name they recognize, the chances of them choosing your services increase tremendously.

Find Your Keywords

The second marketing tip to get your accounting practice in order is to find your keywords! Once you’ve found your niche, it’s time to identify the words and phrases that are relevant in that particular market. Your goal is to capture that audience and make sure they’re aware of you in their moment of need.

Say you specialize in Dental Accounting, a potential client might search something like “how to have a profitable dentist office.” It’ll be a smart idea to add ‘profitable dentist office’ as one of the phrases you use regularly in your communications. This is one of the most common pieces of advice we give when consulting with small businesses.

Use Lookalike Audiences

If you’re not already using Google AdWords or Facebook targeting, then you don’t yet have an audience. Base your digital audience off of your current clientele. Ask yourself the following questions:

  •         Are your current clients male or female?
  •         Are they single or divorced?
  •         Is there an average income bracket they share?
  •         What hobbies do they have in common?

Once you’ve built out your audience, you can generate “similar audiences” that usually come at a lower cost but are just as potent as your original base.

Start Local

Our fourth marketing tip to get your accounting practice in order is to spend your advertising dollars in your local market. While it might be tempting to blanket the entire country with ads, and rack up millions upon millions of impressions, your chance of conversions is much slimmer than if you keep it local.

By limiting your exposure to a predetermined area or radius, you can establish consistent messaging to your audience and establish yourself in your community. Geofencing and geo-targeting are useful tools provided by Google AdWords and Facebook to contain your marketing where it’s most effective. In fact, local marketing is one of 2018’s hottest workplace trends.

Have a Budget – But be Flexible!

If you see a particular channel or advertisement taking off, don’t be afraid to put more money into it. The return could be exponential and signal that you’ve found a winning message. If it caps off, it could be signaling that the potential in that particular area may be limited, so you know not to focus your monetary efforts in that direction. It’s important to remember this applies to both digital and traditional marketing.

Optimize Your Website

A high bounce rate on your website indicates that people aren’t finding what they need when they need it. Ease barriers to purchase by making your site customer-centric.  A/B tests allow you to test changes, so you can identify what aspects of your site customers value most. This is marketing tip number six to get your accounting practice in order.

Create Content

Talking about topics potential clients are interested will attract people when they’re in the searching stage. This means that they aren’t yet ready to buy, they are seeking information. You could potentially be their first source of information on the subject, giving you a valuable opportunity to sell your services and make a lasting impression. Not to mention, you can retarget these searchers with ads in the future, drastically reducing your overall ad spend.

Now that you know the top seven marketing tips to get your accounting practice in order, don’t hesitate to contact us today for a free consultation on how to put them into effect. With an average growth rate of 165%, our clients are redefining what success looks like. Isn’t it time you did too?

Get To The Root Of Your Marketing Problem: 3 Marketing Ideas For Your Dental Office

The dental industry is hyper-competitive. Patients, especially those in urban areas, typically have many nearby dental offices to choose from. What is going to make them choose your office over all the others? These three marketing ideas for your dental office will.

It’s all about marketing. The right marketing strategy can not only get you seen when people search for dentists, but also extend a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from competitors. Even those dentists whose offices are experiencing growth and increasing revenues shouldn’t simply rest on their laurels. Doubling down and expanding upon a successful marketing strategy is critical to maintaining growth in the long term.

With that in mind, find our top three marketing ideas for your dental office below. For more information on how Creative Coaching can help you implement these strategies, take a look at our business development for dentists page.

#1 – Try Adding Pay-Per-Click To Your Arsenal

If you have not already hopped on the pay-per-click (PPC) bandwagon, you’re late. PPC involves bidding on keywords that users type into search engines in order to show your ads to people who are interested in your service.

For example, PPC allows dentists to show ads to users who search for “dental office near me” and who are physically located within a 10mile radius of your office. Best of all, unlike traditional marketing tactics, PPC is highly measurable. At any given time, you are able to precisely calculate your ROI. This allows you to scale your PPC efforts along with your business and maximize the return on each advertising dollar you spend.

#2 – Invest In Search Engine Optimization

The next innovative marketing idea for your dental office is to invest in search engine optimization (SEO). This is the ongoing process of optimizing a website to rank higher on search engines like Google.

A variety of factors influence how a website ranks including content, backlinks, and meta information. By optimizing each of these factors, your website’s ranking can be increased over time. The end goal is to get your website to the top of Google’s search results. That way, when a user searches for a dentist, they see your business first.

The unique aspect of SEO as a marketing strategy is that it’s a long-term investment. Getting your business website on the first page of Google takes time. However, once it’s there, you’ll get significantly more traffic to your website. Best of all, you won’t have to pay anything for clicks.

#3 – Encourage Online Reviews

Online reviews are essential to almost any business. Having a good rating and a high number of patient reviews helps potential patients feel more comfortable going to a dentist they’ve never been to. Encourage your patients to leave you a review on sites like Yelp, Facebook, and Google. This marketing idea for your dental office will pay dividends over time, trust us.

If you need expert advice for developing a successful marketing strategy for your dental office, give us a call at 8882010567 now for a free consultation. Our team can help you revamp your marketing, manage sustained business growth, and get high-quality new patients.


7 Restaurant Sales Tips to Share with your Team

7 Restaurant Sales Tips to Share with Your Team

Running a restaurant is difficult. Multiply that difficulty by ten if you’re in a competitive location and facing the ever-growing popularity of Grubhub, Uber Eats, and Delivery Dudes. We get it. In fact, as South Florida’s premier restaurant consulting firm, we’ve seen firsthand just how challenging it can be. That’s why you’re going to want to memorize these seven restaurant sales tips to share with your team.

We’re here to let these powerful sales secrets out of the bag. Keep reading to learn everything from the classifieds of upselling to how to create personal connections with customers. Once you’re convinced we know what we’re talking about, give us a call for a free growth consultation at 888.201.0567.

Upsell on Small Plates

Upsell small plates


The first restaurant sales tip is to upsell. This one is a no-brainer, right? The secret is to upsell on smaller plates. Sure, getting someone to order a ribeye and expensive bottle of wine is great, but this doesn’t happen every night.

Instead, have your team focus on small upsells. We’re talking about things like adding protein to salads and adding fries to an order. These may seem small but trust us, you’re going to have a smile on your face while adding them up at the end of the night.  

Create Relationships with Customers

This restaurant sales tip is also a no-brainer. Your customers don’t come to your restaurant just to eat. They want an experience. Now, this doesn’t mean your team has to get theatrical or talk to their tables every five minutes. There is nothing worse than a pushy server.

Creating relationships with customers is as simple as having your team introduce themselves with a smile, ask the names of the people at their table, and drop those names a few times throughout the night. It’s simple, smart, and will result in easier upselling, increased brand loyalty, and bigger tips for your team. That is what we call a win-win-win.   

Everyone Should Know the Inventory

Everyone should know inventory

Another important restaurant sales tip is that everyone – from front to back of the house – should know your inventory. What could be worse than having someone upsell a customer only to find out that you don’t have that expensive fillet of sole? Besides, this won’t just help your team perform better, it will help you stay on top of effective restaurant management.

Remember, your servers and bartenders (and even your hosts!) are sales people before they’re anything else. This means they need proper sales training. Part of this is learning and staying up to date on your inventory.

Speed = Money

The more tables your staff turns, the more people who can come into your restaurant. That’s restaurant knowledge 101 in a nutshell. So, how do you increase speed? Simple: you give your team the tools they need to shave minutes off of each table.

This could mean implementing a mobile POS that delivers orders straight to the kitchen. It could mean having one employee as the designated “order deliverer” every night. It could mean letting the bartender know to put priority on table drinks. The specifics are up to you and will likely vary restaurant to restaurant. The important part of this restaurant sales tip to share with your team is that you let them know you have their back.

The Hostess Starts the Sales Process

hostess starts sales process



No one likes a pushy server, and no one likes a pushy hostess. Still, there are a few small things you can make sure your hosts are doing to start the sales process off right. These vary from smiling and projecting a warm, comfortable demeanor to customers to making sure to hand waiting patrons a menu to suggesting they have a seat at the bar. Again, the specifics will look different in every restaurant. The important part is that you let your hosts know they start the ball rolling.

Have Top Performing Employees Mentor Others

This restaurant sales tip to share with your team is based around finding what’s working and optimizing that process. Do you have one server that routinely turns in tickets that are double other servers’ tickets? What about a bartender or host your customers love?

Whatever your specific top performing employee is doing, have them mentor other employees in the same area! The easiest way to scale success is to have talented team members teach each other. Trust us on this one. You won’t regret it.

Let Your Team Take Over Social Media

This isn’t so much a restaurant sales tip to share with your team as it’s a unique take on restaurant marketing 101. Still, letting your team take over Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the rest can have some sales benefits as well.

Not only will your team post funny and insightful content that gives your social media followers a peek into what your restaurant is like behind the scenes, but it will also start to humanize your brand.

Remember when we said it was a good idea to have your employees create relationships with customers? Think of this as step zero. Potential customers will begin to know you team before they even step foot in your restaurant. Plus, your team can highlight specials, deals, and promotions without being overly salesy.

Do you like these restaurant sales tips to share with your team? Then you’re going to love what happens when you call for a free growth consultation. Dial 888.201.0567 today to start growing your restaurant to new heights of success.

Marketing Evolution-Strategies to Grow Your Business in all Phases and Economic Cycles

Marketing is marketing is marketing correct? Wrong! Marketing should be based upon the economic cycle coupled with the maturity level of your business. This article will explain the differences and help you develop the skill-sets of how to market any business in any economy.

Most business experts would agree that there are 7 stages of the business life cycle. All phases have their pitfalls and challenges. Marketing is different in each phase, so before you start your marketing campaigns you will need to take note of the phase of your practice and the economic cycle.

The seed phase is where most new businesses reside. This is where your business is just an idea. Marketing during this phase should be aimed at gaining acceptance. A great way to do this is to create a niche for your business. In a poor economic climate it will be much more difficult to get your name to stick because people will be holding onto their money and reluctant to spend on anything.

In a good economic climate, the opposite is true. People are willing to spend their money much more freely. During this phase it is imperative that you have a good team of advisers. Hire a good CPA, attorney, business coach, and insurance agent. Your CPA will help you set up your books and advise on the most tax-efficient legal entity. Your Attorney will help you negotiate and review all legal documents. Your business coach will help you find the correct location, do a proper build out and help you to launch your business. Your insurance agent will help you get the insurance protection you will need.

The start-up phase is when your business is actually born. Will you be an LLC, Sole proprietor, Sub Chapter S Corp etc? These are all the legal entities that you need to discuss with your attorney and accountant. Once you choose the entity and are established, your business legally exists. Congratulations!

Marketing in this phase is about creating a customer/client base. It is vital that you start to create conservative strategic-based marketing campaigns so you don’t burn through your limited bankroll. Your advisers are very important during this phase. They will help you limit mistakes which can be quite costly.

Learn how to identify the true needs of your client/customer; and the needs that they would be willing to spend their money to fix. In a poor economy you will need to increase your marketing budget. Since people are reluctant to spend money in poor economic times, you will need to increase your marketing budget because you will have to get your message out to about three times the number of people to make up for those that won’t spend their money. Your accountant will help you create budgets. Your business coach will help you organize your day-to-day tasks, as well as help you to establish the correct procedures that will carry you to the growth phase of business.

The growth phase is where your volume and revenues are increasing rapidly along with multiple opportunities. During this phase competition also begins to surface. Management of your business should take priority over marketing during this phase. To keep the growth phase going, your systems will have to be able to support your volume. You will need to find, hire and train employees that will enable you to delegate tasks.

You should be getting plenty of internal referrals. Your marketing efforts in this phase can turn more inward. Customer appreciation events, in-house events, Social media, and the like are good marketing tools in this phase. External marketing can be an ongoing print, radio, or TV advertisement. The economic cycle will have little bearing on your efforts during this phase because your momentum should offset any negative economic ripples barring a full economic crisis.

Your Insurance agent should do a quarterly review to make sure that your insurance coverage limits are still adequate. Your accountant should be concentrating on establishing retirement plans and help you budget so you maximize your contributions. Your business coach should be helping you to organize your time, create procedures that will allow for continued growth, and help you with hiring staff. Your attorney should also be ready to help you review contracts for the many opportunities that will present themselves to you during this phase.

The established phase is where your business has matured and is thriving. You have developed a brand and customer loyalty. Your growth is predictable and manageable. Marketing in this phase should emphasize your established place in your community. Ideal marketing should become more passive which will allow you more free time to pursue the lifestyle that you have worked so hard to achieve. The established phase is also ripe with pitfalls. The biggest pitfall is complacency. Be aware, that during this phase, it very easy to rest on your laurels. Doing so will encourage a roller coaster type of business. Remember you should have name and brand recognition so keeping TOMA (Top of Mind Awareness) is the goal.

Your CPA should be helping you to minimize your tax bite and maximize your profits. Your business coach should help motivate you so you don’t rest on your laurels and help you establish goals. Those goals will help you decide whether to expand or wait until a stronger infra-structure is built, or a better economic climate presents.

The expansion phase is usually created and driven by the owner. This phase will allow you to move into new markets and gain a larger market share. This phase has many pitfalls where money can be lost and/or wasted very easily if careful money management techniques are not deployed. Marketing during this phase should focus on the introduction of new complementary goods and services. This phase is very similar to the growth phase. Be extremely careful that you do not move into an unrelated business because the results can become disastrous.

For example many successful business owners ventured into the real estate market during the boon of the early 2000’s only to find themselves in a heap of trouble when the bubble burst. The economic cycle is very important in this phase. Expansion during a recession or contraction of the economy must be done very carefully. Use your advisers to guide you with items like creative financing.

The mature phase occurs when sales and profits are predictable, stable, and consistent. It is normal at this phase for revenue to start to fall off which forces the owner to either expand or exit. Marketing in this phase is aimed at keeping a steady flow of new customers. Usually the business owner will be in business for 15-20 years so it is natural for the owner not to want to utilize active marketing.

The mature business has name recognition, an identity, and a positive place in the community. This phase lends itself to sponsoring opportunities, educational based marketing, and to guest lecture spots. Your business coach will help you create goals that will allow you to move to the next phase of business. Your accountant should be discussing your retirement needs. Your insurance limits need to be reviewed. At this point the house is probably paid off and your children grown. You may be insuring more than you need to at this stage.

The exit phase is the opportunity for you to cash out after all your years of hard work. Your advisers will be able to help guide you through this phase. Marketing will be to find the right buyer and create a smooth transition. Your accountant and business coach will be able to help you structure the best deal. Your attorney will create all legal documents for the transfer of sale.

Through-out all the business cycles your happiness and the happiness of your family is what matters. You deserve to have a well-balanced business and family life. A dynamic profitable business does not happen by itself; it has to be planned, created, nurtured and tended. The steps listed above should put you well on your way to achieving the business and success that you want and deserve.

Mistakes are very costly in both time and money. Use advisers and don’t rush. Do your analysis, know your economic cycle, market effectively and sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor, you deserve it!

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 150% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%! Click the button below and receive a free and without obligation business analysis and strategy session.

1 on 1 Coaching Session

The Key to Hiring the Right Team

One of the major sources of sleep-loss is the hiring and training of top staff. As a matter of fact that ranks #2 in the list of stressors that small business owners face. I don’t need to tell you that hiring the wrong person burns up an enormous amount of time, energy and dollars. So let’s distill down some very easy things that you can implement immediately.

  1. Can this person actually do the job?

In addition to having a strong resume and technical background, attitude is very important. If someone displays flexibility, willingness to learn new skill sets, and is a good team member, that is invaluable. Having talented employees can make or break your company

It is so easy to hire the wrong person. Remember when a candidate is being interviewed their job is to make themselves look amazing. You, the employer may also be in a weakened position because you need someone yesterday not tomorrow. These two catalysts may make for a poor hiring choice. To prevent hiring the wrong person I always advise my clients to create an “ideal employee”. What characteristics are you looking for? Do you want a male or female? Age preference? What specific skill-sets are you looking for? What type of personality are you looking for? Be as specific as possible. The more you can detail for yourself the ideal, the less of a chance you will be sidetracked into hiring the wrong person who cannot do the job

2.   Once hired, will this person actually do the job?




Fix whichever you determine is the cause of your negative results. If you are unable to fix them yourself, ask a friend, colleague or If you would like to have a professional opinion click the button below and schedule a complimentary strategy session.

As our clients are well aware, our niche is that we help our clients fix their mindset and their strategy. Our strategies  are created in the present economy. Since we have created success in our own lives and in our clients’ lives, we are able to motivate our clients and teach them how to create a better more serving mind-set for them self. For the mechanical side, we help our clients become organized. We teach our clients how to use strategic-based marketing so they get the “best” buyers to their clinic. We teach our clients how to attract, hire, and train the best staff. Most importantly we teach our clients how to enjoy their business again and become financially independent.

On the mindset side we teach our clients how to think differently. When you think differently you act differently. When you act differently you deploy your action steps differently and you get different and better results!

We offer step by step strategies coupled with world class support coupled with mind-set and performance coaching which will give you results that you will be very proud to own.

We specialize in two types of clients:

1. Business-owners that are very close to closing their doors, we help to become economically successful once again. We also teach young entrepreneurs how to limit mistakes when starting their business.

2. Business owners who have reached great levels of success but who have plateaued and can’t get to the next level.

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee and NO LONG TERM CONTRACTS.

Our clients were up 44% last year and are up 165% since 2008. If you decide to work with us, I can promise you that we will work our hearts off for you.



“Dear Paul,
I will sum this up very quickly. If the person reading this does not coach with you they are making a HUGE MISTAKE. Don’t make the stupid mistake I made by waiting three years to finally call you. You deliver everything and more. My practice is up over 60%. I am making money again! My wife is happy again! I can support my family again! Thank you!

Dr. Jeff, Texas”

Creative Coaching, LLC has been successfully coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years. We have been trail-blazers in the industry being the first company to offer no long-term contracts and a money back guarantee.

Our CEO’s are enjoying another terrific and stress-free year in business. Isn’t it time that you enjoyed that too?  If you still feel that you are struggling, you will be thrilled to know that Dr. Paul S. Inselman, CEO of  has formulated a specific step by step process that will help you to become a more powerful business leader. Our clients income has grown on average 165% since 2008. In 2016 alone they were up on average a whopping 44%!

Effective Restaurant Management Secrets

Effective Restaurant Management Secrets

Managing a successful restaurant isn’t easy. It was never easy, but in year’s past a manager could get by on charisma and luck alone. Today, that is far from the case. From customer service to finding the best front and back of house staff to never-ending marketing – making sure your restaurant is a smooth-running operation takes a lot of skill.

That’s where Creative Coaching comes in. We know what it takes to launch and grow your restaurant brand. More importantly, we know what it takes to launch and grow any business. We have decades of experience helping entrepreneurs of all kinds find new levels of success.

Find some of the most effective restaurant management secrets below.  Learn them and start putting them into practice today. Don’t forget to check out our webinars for even more secrets to success too!

Communication is Key

This one is obvious, right? Wrong. You’d be amazed by the number of restaurant managers and owners who think its their way of the highway. They don’t communicate with their staff (unless you count yelling) or their patrons (unless you count taking photos with famous diners). They think they can coast by. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Communication is key to effectively managing a restaurant. This is true for internal communication, external communication, and all marketing communications. You should have regular staff meetings to help understand and address employee concerns. You should regularly listen to customer feedback, and we mean really listen. You should maintain an email list where you let subscribers know what’s going on with your restaurant.

Not only will these types of communication help improve the workplace for your employees and help your restaurant run smoother, but they’ll also begin to create a sense of brand loyalty among your patrons. That alone is worth its weight in gold.

You’re Only as Good as Your Staff

communication is key to effective resturant management

The tendency for managers of all kinds, from the food and hospitality industry all the way to the world of corporate business, is to take credit for their employees’ success. This isn’t done on purpose, it just sort of happens. Make no mistake, though, effective restaurant management secret number two is that you’re only as good as your staff.

Your staff is the backbone of your restaurant. This is true for front of the house and back of the house staff. Your job is to make sure they’re trained properly, doing their jobs correctly, and receiving instruction on how to improve and grow in their positions. Perhaps even more importantly, you need to make sure they’re working together seamlessly as a team to meet and exceed your diners’ expectations.  

We’re here to help if you need the extra edge on staff training. We have over thirty years of experience in creating and optimizing teams. We can take your staff and turn them into a well-oiled machine.

Customer Service = Growth

Effective restaurant management secret number three isn’t much of a secret at all. It’s a new way of looking at an old concept: sales. You may think sales don’t apply to your job. You’re running a business. You’re not booking clients. You’re not closing deals. You’re not upselling customers on a new wine or an expensive steak.

This is true…to a point. Delivering excellent customer service is your version of sales. Making sure that each and every individual who walks through your doors has an exemplary experience is how your restaurant grows. Sure, you can create strategic business partnerships and brand collaborations. Real success, though, will always be determined by your patrons.

Innovate at All Costs

When we say innovate, we don’t just mean make sure your menu or design is on the bleeding edge of hip. That’s important, but so is making sure your marketing and branding is innovative. This is easier said than done, of course, and can lead to any number of restaurant marketing mistakes.

Part of this is through the specific marketing channels and tactics you choose for your restaurant. A more important part, in our opinion anyway, is by creating unique experiences for your audience. Consider this: your brand is the connection your audience has with your company. If you want to create a lasting, memorable brand, then create lasting, memorable experiences.  

Know that you know our top effective restaurant management secrets, it’s time to put them into practice. Take advantage of your free one-on-one consultation with our business coaching experts today!

hope and luck are not business strategies

Hope is Not a Strategy and Luck is Not A Factor in Your Success

After coaching clients just like you for the past fourteen years, I’ve learned that it takes three things to achieve success. Only three things to build an amazing and profitable practice. Only three things stand between you and your dreams.

  1. Pig-headed determination (I will never give up)
  2. Creating a plan
  3. Working on, tweaking, massaging, manipulating or changing the plan until you get the desired results!

If you deploy these three things you can’t help but build the life and practice that you want. Here’s the catch. Most practitioners hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Most practitioners think that successful doctors are just lucky. These two beliefs couldn’t be further from the truth.

At Creative Coaching (formally Inselmancoaching):

benefits of creative coaching

You will benefit because we understand that different practices require different tools. That is why no two clients are coached the same way.

You will benefit because we understand that a practitioner who’s been practicing for 20+ years has different needs than a practitioner who’s only been practicing for a handful of years. We hone in and help your specific needs.

You will benefit because we understand the roller coaster practice. We understand the stress it causes, and we teach you the methods to make it stop once and for all.

You will benefit because we understand the fears, trepidations, and excitement that a new practitioner experiences. We teach you how to either open a new office from scratch, buy an established practice, or how to negotiate the most competitive associate contract to fulfill the new practitioners’ needs.

You will benefit because we understand the needs of the practitioner who is financially struggling and on the verge of closing their doors. We know how to organize, motivate, and create the hope and anticipation that they require to thrive.

You will benefit because we understand how to achieve results and we guarantee it!

You will be taught how to achieve consistent results based on step-by-step, honest, and ethical business strategies. These aren’t get rich quick schemes. We teach you how to utilize the human touch and couple that with proper business techniques to create a lean, mean, profitable machine. From 2008-2017 our client’s income grew an average of 165%. In 2017, they were up on average 51%! We can help you too.

To learn more about us and our services, call: 888-201-0567